


Waking the Lion:Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)电子书

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作       者:Mark Antony Rossi

出  版  社:Soma Publishing


字       数:10.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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  • 读书简介
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American futurist poet and playwright Mark Antony Rossi has selected essays, notes and interviews from the past thirty three years of writing covering poetry, short fiction and drama. A short book of instruction and discovery meant to help fellow writers.

Introduction: Waking the Lion

Sentinels of the 21st Century

Genesis of a Poetic Conscience

The Creative Benefits of Righteous Anger

Open Letter to Poets Worldwide

The Divine Madness of Writing

Notes to Myself: Collective Artistic Dwellings

Soul Cadence and the Social Poet

Beauty and the Burden

The Struggle for Minority Characterization in Modern American Theatre

The Writer in a Material World

A Poet’s Introspection

In the Garden of Passion

Electronic Books and the Written Word

Flash in the Span

Internal Quiet and the Instruments to Channel Creativity

Self as Foundation of Writing

The Perils of Accidental Inspiration

Modern Forces and the Meaningful Metaphor

Fury of the Pursuit

The Principle of Applied Poetics

Unloved Writers as Victorious Vessels

Unleashing the Individual on the Canvas of Writing

There’s No Crying in Writing

Writing as a Crutch

Notes on Monologues

Interview: Commander of the New Verse

Interview: The Future of Flash

Interview: Thoughts of a Columnist and a Dramatist

Interview: Alterations to Short Drama Form

About the Author

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