


How Dare We! Write:A Multicultural Creative Writing Discourse电子书

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作       者:Sherry Quan Lee

出  版  社:Modern History Press


字       数:33.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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How Dare We! Write: a multicultural creative writing discourse offers a much needed corrective to the usual dry and uninspired creative writing pedagogy. The collection asks us to consider questions, such as "What does it mean to work through resistance from supposed mentors, to face rejection from publishers and classmates, and to stand against traditions that silence you?" and "How can writers and teachers even begin to make diversity matter in meaningful ways on the page, in the classroom, and on our bookshelves?" How Dare We! Write is an inspiring collection of intellectually rigorous lyric essays and innovative writing exercises; it opens up a path for inquiry, reflection, understanding, and creativity that is ultimately healing. The testimonies provide a hard won context for their innovative paired writing experiments that are, by their very nature, generative. --Cherise A. Pollard, PhD, Professor of English, West Chester University of Pennsylvania So-called "creative writing" classes are highly politicized spaces, but no one says so; to acknowledge this obvious fact would be to up-end the aesthetics, cultural politics (ideology) and economics on which most educational institutions are founded How Dare We! Write, a brilliant interventive anthology of essays, breaks this silence. --Maria Damon, Pratt Institute of Art; co-editor of Poetry and Cultural Studies: A Reader How Dare We! Write a collection of brave voices calling out to writers of color everywhere: no matter how lonely, you are not alone; you are one in a sea of change, swimming against the currents. --Kao Kalia Yang, author of The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir, and The Song Poet, a 2017 Minnesota Book Award winner How Dare We! Write is a much needed collection of essays from writers of color that reminds us that our stories need to be told, from addressing academic gatekeepers, embracing our identities, the effects of the oppressor's tongue on our psyche and to the personal narratives that help us understand who we are. --Rodrigo Sanchez-Chavarria, writer, spoken word poet/performer and contributing author to A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota Learn more at http://blog.SherryQuanLee.com From Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com

Title Page





Literary Gatekeepers (and other myths)

What Would Edén Say? Reclaiming the Personal and Grounding Story in Chicana Feminist (Academic) Writing, Kandace Creel Falcón

Imposter Poet: Recovering from Graduate School, Jessica Lopez Lyman

A Case for Writing While Black, Sherrie Fernandez Williams

mamatowisin: Writing as Spiritual Praxis, Nia Allery

The Tyranny of Grammar

Complete this Sentence: Say it Loud! _____!, Brenda Bell Brown

Crazy, Chris Stark

Saying My Name with Happiness, Ching-In Chen

Dancing Between Bamboos or The Rules of Wrong Grammar, Marlina Gonzalez


Intersectional Bribes and the Cost of Poetry, Sagirah Shahid

It Happened in Fragments, Isela Xitlali Gómez R.

Creating Native American Mirrors: and Making a Living as a Writer, Marcie Rendon

Notes in Journey from a Writer of the Mix, Anya Achtenberg

Personal Narratives

The Thenar Space: Writing Beyond Emotion and Experience into Story, Taiyon J Coleman

How Maya Angelou Empowered Me to Write, Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay

Legendary Documents, Tou SaiKo Lee

Stories that Must Be Told, Luis Lopez

Telling Stories That Should Not Be Passed On, Wesley Brown

Rejection Not an Option

Fear of an Apocalypse: Racial Marginalization on the Act of Writing, Hei Kyong Kim

Picking a Goot’ Indin (a play selection from No Res Rezpect), William S. Yellow Robe, Jr.

Perfectly Untraditional, Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Healing the Heart

Our Silence Won’t Save Us: Recovering the Medicine in Our Stories, Anaïs Deal-Márquez

Writing: Healing from the Things I Cannot Change, Lori Young-Williams

Stories from the Heart of Dark-Eyed Woman—Sikadiyaki, Olive Lefferson

A Fundamental Human Yearning, Michael Kleber-Diggs

About the Contributors

About the Editor


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