


The Windsor Beauties:Ladies of the Court of Charles II电子书

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作       者:Lewis Melville

出  版  社:Modern History Press


字       数:37.8万

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"The Duchess of York wished to have the portraits of the most beautiful women at Court," Anthony Hamilton wrote in the Memoirs of Count Grammont. "Lely painted them, and employed all his art in the execution. He could not have had more alluring sitters. Every portrait is a masterpiece." The original set of "Beauties" painted by Lely were, as we find from James II's catalogue, eleven in number, their names being Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland (ne'e Villiers); Frances, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox (ne'e Stuart); Mrs. Jane Myddleton (ne'e Needham); Elizabeth, Countess of Northumberland (ne'e Wriothesley); Elizabeth, Countess of Falmouth (ne'e Bagot); Elizabeth, Lady Denham (ne'e Brooke); Frances, Lady Whitmore (ne'e Brooke); Henrietta, Countess of Rochester (ne'e Boyle); Elizabeth, Countess de Grammont (ne'e Hamilton); and Madame d'Orleans. It will be seen that in this list of "Beauties" Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, does not figure; but since she was responsible for the collection, it would be peculiarly ungracious to omit her from a volume that treats of it. Also, she deserves inclusion for her supreme courage in selecting the sitters--for what must the ladies who were not chosen have said and thought of her? Nor in the series are Nell Gwyn, Louise de Ke'roualle, and the Duchess Mazarin; but no account of the social life of the Court of Charles II can possibly omit mention of them, and therefore something has been said about each of these ladies. The new Revised Edition restores Melville's masterpiece of the intricate relationships and day-by-day account of court life in the reign of Charles II of England. This edition also adds a new glossary, bibliography, and extended footnotes for the lay history reader. Also included are first-ever translations of French language poems, letters, and epitaphs completed by Coby Fletcher. More information at www.VictorianHeritage.com

Title Page


To Elizabeth Lucas

About the Cover

Other Works by Lewis Benjamin


Foreword to The Revised Edition

List of Illustrations

Chapter I - Anne, Duchess of York (née Hyde) (1) 1637-1671

Chapter II - Anne, Duchess of York (née Hyde) (2) 1637-1671

Chapter III - Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland (née Villiers) (1) 1641-1709

Chapter IV - Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland (née Villiers) (2) 1641-1709

Chapter V - Elizabeth, Countess de Grammont (née Hamilton) 1641-1708

Chapter VI - Maids of Honour Goditha Price; Henrietta Maria Blagge; Miss Hobart; and Elizabeth, Countess of Falmouth, Afterwards Countess of Dorset (née Bagot) 1643 (?)-1684

Chapter VII - Henrietta, Countess of Rochester (née Boyle) 1643 (?)-1687. Mrs. Jane Myddleton (née Needham), 1645-1692

Chapter VIII - Frances, Lady Whitmore (née Brooke), Borns 1645 (1). Elizabeth, Lady Denham (née Brooke), 1647 (1)-1667

Chapter IX - Hortensia, Duchess Mazarin (née Mancini) 1646-1699

Chapter X - Frances Teresa, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox (née Stuart), 1647-1702

Chapter XI - Elizabeth, Countess of Northumberland, Afterwards Duchess of Montagu (née Wriothesley), 1647-1690. Anne, Countess of Sunderland (née Digby), 1644-1716

Chapter XII - Louise, Duchess of Portsmouth (née KÉroualle), 1649-1734

Chapter XIII - Eleanor (“Nell”) Gwyn, 1650-1687




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