


Commentaries On Living: Third Series电子书

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作       者:Jiddu Krishnamurti

出  版  社:Krishnamurti Foundation America


字       数:60.7万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 哲学/宗教 > 哲学



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In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems—ourhopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices—and in the simplest language seems to pierce to their roots.“The sheer simplicity is breathtaking. The reader is given, in one paragraph, often in one sentence, enough to keep him exploring, questioning, thinking for days.” –Anne Morrow Lindbergh.“The insight, spiritual and poetic, of these commentaries is as simply expressed as it is searching in its demand.” –Times Literary Supplement (London).“Krishnamurti is no other than he seems, a free man, one of the first quality, growing older as diamonds do but the gem-like flame not dating, and alive in these Commentaries. It is a treasure.” –Francis Hacket, The New Republic.J. Krishnamurti was born in South India and educated in England.Hailed by many from early youth as a spiritual teacher, he rejected adulation and leadership in order to encourage spiritualfreedom and understanding. He devoted his life to speaking and counseling, traveling in the U.S.A., Europe, India and other parts of the world, addressing thousands of people, always pointing the way to individual discovery of truth.These Commentaries on Living are published in three volumes:First, Second, and Third Series.

Does Thinking Begin with Conclusions?

Self-Knowledge or Self-Hypnosis?

The Escape from What Is

Can One Know What Is Good for the People?

I Want to Find the Source of Joy

Pleasure, Habit and Austerity

Won’t you Join Our Animal-Welfare Society?

Conditioning and the Urge to Be Free

The Void Within

The Problem of Search

Psychological Revolution

There Is No Thinker, Only Conditioned Thinking

Why Should It Happen to Us

Life, Death and Survival

Deterioration of the Mind

The Flame of Discontent

Outward Modification and Inward Disintegration

To Change Society, You Must Break Away from It

Where the Self Is, Love Is Not

The Fragmentation of Man Is Making Him Sick

The Vanity of Knowledge

What Is Life All About?

Without Goodness and Love, One Is Not Educated

Hate and Violence

The Cultivation of Sensitivity

Why Have I No Insight?

Reform, Revolution and the Search for God

The Noisy Child and the Silent Mind

Where There Is Attention, Reality Is

Self-Interest Decays the Mind

The Importance of Change


To Be Intelligent Is to Be Simple

Confusion and Convictions

Attention without Motive

The Voyage on an Uncharted Sea

Aloneness Beyond Loneliness

Why Did You Dissolve Your Order of the Starr?

What Is Love?

Seeking and the State of Search

Why Do the Scriptures Condemn Desire?

Can Politics Ever Be Spiritualized?

Awareness and the Cessation of Dreams

What Does It Mean to Be Serious?

Is There Anything Permanent?

Why This Urge to Possess?

Desire and the Pain of Contradiction

What Am I to Do?

Fragmentary Activities and Total Action

Freedom from the Known

Time, Habit and Ideals

Can God Be Sought through Organized Religion?

Asceticism and Total Being

The Challenge of the Present

Sorrow from Self-Pity

Insensitivity and Resistance to Noise

The Quality of Simplicity

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