


Unforgettable French电子书

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作       者:Rice-Jones, Maria

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:9.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Unforgettable French uses memory tricks to teach and reinforce major points of rench grammar from the basics up to high school level, to learners of all ages. It may be used: by anyone who wishes to gain confidence in speaking French, as a evision aid, to consolidate the learner's grasp of grammatical points, to complement whatever French scheme you are using, and by French teachers at all levels, from elementary school through to adult. These tried-and-tested memory tricks help to explain "e;tricky"e; bits and make learning easier. The memory tricks in are presented in a highly visual, page-by-page format. The sheets can be enlarged to make mini-posters or used as "e;aide-memoires"e;.

Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

About the Author


Unforgettable French

L’alphabet (The alphabet)

Hexagonie story: Les accents (Accents)

Un, une (1) (One/a (1))

Hexagonie story: Un, une (1) (One/a (1))

Un, une (2) (One/a (2))

Hexagonie story: Un, une (2) (One/a (2))

Le pluriel (The plural)

Hexagonie story: Le pluriel (The plural)

Hexagonie story: Le, la, l’, les (The)

Avoir (To have)

Il y a (There is/there are)

Pas de (Not any)

Être (To be)

Hexagonie story: Avoir/être (To have/to be)

Les adjectifs au singulier (Singular adjectives)

Hexagonie story: Les couleurs (Colours)

Les nationalités (Nationalities)

Autres adjectifs (Other adjectives)

Ce, cet, cette, ces (This/that, these/those)

Est-ce que ...? (How to ask a question)

Les questions (1) (Question words (1))

Les questions (2) (Question words (2))

Mon, ma, mes (1) (Possessives: my (1))

Mon, ma, mes (2) (Possessives: my (2))

Hexagonie story: Mon, ma, mes (Possessives: my)

Tous les possessifs (All the possessives)

Les prépositions (Prepositions)

Les nombres (1) (Numbers (1))

Les nombres (2) (Numbers (2))

Les jours et les mois (Days and months)

Les dates et les saisons (Dates and seasons)

Parler, aimer, habiter (To speak, to like/love, to live)

Les verbes en “er” (1) (Verbs ending in “er” (1))

Les verbes en “er” (2) (Verbs ending in “er” (2))

Hexagonie story: Verbes en “er” (Verbs ending in “er”)

Quelques ordres (1) (Useful commands (1))

Quelques ordres (1) (Useful commands (1))

Aller (To go)

Les transports (Prepositions: transport)

Les pays (Prepositions: countries)

Hexagonie story: Les pays (Prepositions: countries)

Les villes et les régions (Prepositions: cities and areas)

Jouer (1) (To play (1))

Jouer (2) (To play (2))

Ne ... pas/n’ ... pas (The negative form)

Manger et boire (1) (To eat and to drink (1))

Manger et boire (2) (To eat and to drink (2))

Hexagonie story: Manger et boire (To eat and to drink)

Beaucoup de ... (A lot of ...)

Quelle heure est-il? (What time is it?)

Faire (To do/make)

Le temps (The weather)

Hexagonie story: Le temps (The weather)

Mots sur le temps (Weather words)

Finir (To finish)

Verbes en “ir” (1) (Verbs ending in “ir” (1))

Verbes en “ir” (2) (Verbs ending in “ir” (2))

Verbes en “dre” (1) (Verbs ending in “dre” (1))

Verbes en “dre” (2) (Verbs ending in “dre” (2))

Voir/recevoir (To see/to receive)

Pouvoir/vouloir (To be able to, can/to want)

Devoir/savoir/connaître (To have to, must/to know how to/to know)

Écrire/lire/dire (To write/to read/to say)

Les verbes réfléchis (1) (Reflexive verbs (1))

Les verbes réfléchis (2) (Reflexive verbs (2))

Mots importants (1) (Important linking words (1))

Mots importants (2) (Important linking words (2))

Mots importants (3) (Important linking words (3))

Passé composé avec “avoir” (1) (Passé composé with “to have” (1))

Passé composé avec “avoir” (2) (Passé composé with “to have” (2))

Passé composé avec “avoir” (3) (Passé composé with “to have” (3))

Expressions de temps (Expressions of time)

Passé composé avec “être” (1) (Passé composé with “to be” (1))

Passé composé avec “être” (2) (Passé composé with “to be” (2))

Les verbes réfléchis au passé composé (Reflexive verbs in the passé composé)

Le futur proche (Immediate future)

Le futur simple (The future tense)

Quelques verbes au futur (1) (Some verbs in the future (1))

Quelques verbes au futur (2) (Some verbs in the future (2))


Back Matter

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