


Royal Weddings, A Very Peculiar History电子书

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作       者:Macdonald, Fiona

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:143.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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With the echo of regal church bells still ringing in the ears of royalists and well-wishers worldwide, Fiona Macdonald take a look at the quirky, odd and downright bizarre circumstances surrounding the weddings of the kings, queens, princes and princesses of Britain. One must leave one's sense of decorum at the palace gates as the author tells the wacky stories surrounding the preparations, dresses, ceremonies and national moods that went with the excitement of a royal wedding, from England's resident marriage addict Henry VIII, through Anne Hyde, the 'commoner' who birthed two queens, right up to Prince Charles, Princess Diana and their son and daughter-in-law to be. Featuring facts, figures and family trees, Royal Weddings, A Very Peculiar History is sure to keep one in the spirit of things, even after the last fleck of confetti has touched the ground.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

Royal Weddings


No fairytale


Hello strangers

Love - and marriage?

Not to be sniffed at

A reflection of ourselves?

Public appetite

Them and us

Stop press!

What’s in a name?

CHAPTER ONE: A marriage has been arranged...

Oh no!


Desperate measures

Wedding winnings

Religious rules

Really, truly married?

As always…

Don’t do it!

Lucky Austria wins the wedding lottery!

CHAPTER TWO: Family affairs

Royal pick and mix

Money matters

Marriage menace?

Bridal bonus

Give and take

The ‘Grandmother of Europe’

How common!

Ranks and titles (UK)

Almost worthy…

…to be the mother of queens!

No papists!

Royal enough for you?

Bad habits!

Oh dear, what can the matter be?

Pity the poor parents!

My husband and I…

Common practice

CHAPTER THREE: Strangers in the night

Dutiful daughters

Religious – or royal?

Father knows best?

From the cradle

Past, present, future


In every detail

Proxies play the part

Careless – and caring

CHAPTER FOUR: All you need is love?

Hearts and minds

A good royal girl – but tragic

With friends like these…

By royal command

‘Too happy’: Victoria and Albert

Right royal scandals

A shining example?

What a bargain!

Love, love, love

The royal love affair of the century?

CHAPTER FIVE: An heir and a spare

Perpetually pregnant

‘Too dreadful’

Who’s to blame?

Longing for love

Top breeders prefer…

Yours faithfully

No safety in numbers

Bedpan baby

First and foremost

Husband takes all

An heir for Henry

CHAPTER SIX: Here comes the bride

Harder than it looks

Fairytale frocks

Under the veil

Make mine myrtle

With this ring…

Sapphire sensation

No more where that came from

A few fashion follies

CHAPTER SEVEN: Get me to the church...

What a spectacle!

Happy holidays?

Join the crowd

Where, oh where?

Royal Peculiar

Flowers for the fallen

No publicity!

CHAPTER EIGHT: Breakfast is served

But can you eat it?

Why ‘breakfast’?

Her Majesty’s dinner

Simple pleasures

I name this pudding…

A piece of cake

Very top table

Tonnes of tins

CHAPTER NINE: And so to bed

Celebrating in style

Royal razzle-dazzle

Step this way…

Do us a favour!

Bedroom business (no, not that…)

Goodnight, sweet prince - and sweet empress

Bless the bed!

Rough music

Watching and waiting

Right royal revulsion

Happy honeymoons?

A wedding posset


End matter

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