


Castles, A Very Peculiar History电子书

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作       者:Morley, Jacqueline

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:64.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Whether you're planning your first seige, building a fortress or just looking for a way to escape the peasants below, 'Castles: A Very Peculiar History' is full of tips, tricks and horror stories from the castle-building trade. We can't all match up to the combined beauty and danger of the Tower of London, but in this title you'll learn who developed the world's first flat-pack castle, the difference between donjeons and dungeons (it's important, trust us) and even the best time of year for a siege. Discover how a fortress was brought down by forty pigs and even how to use a common plant to defect lightning! Gasp in horrible glee at the many horrid substances poured onto beseigers through those dastardly trebuchets (there are things worse than boiling hot oil!). From the keep to the bailey, 'Castles: A Very Peculiar History' is all you need to learn how to build, manage and defend a mighty fortress.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information



Introduction: What makes a castle a castle?

CHAPTER ONE: The coming of castles

What did the first castles look like?

How to make a motte

A flat-pack castle?

A chapel story

The versatile Tower

Off with their heads!

Serving a life sentence: the Tower of London ravens

CHAPTER TWO: Kings, lords and knights

Fractured knights

Fractious knights

Becoming a knight

Correct terms for carving meat

Kitting out a knight

Take good care of your armour

The castle staff

The man they loved to hate

CHAPTER THREE: Siege stories

Siege weapons


Some siege deaths - and a near thing

Siege chivalry

A flight of fancy

The dirty tricks department

CHAPTER FOUR: Crusader castles

Greek fire

Going native

A touch of eastern splendour

Meet a hospitaller

CHAPTER FIVE: At home in a castle

How the lady of the castle should behave

Feeding the castle


Mind your manners

Lenten complaint

Household tips

Keeping clean

Five top tips for fighting fleas

Five good ways of waging war on flies

Advice to a trainee servant, c. 1460

Now for the basics

What’s in a name?

CHAPTER SIX: The castle improved

Awkward angles

Doing a moonlight flit

A castle drama

Here comes a chopper

CHAPTER SEVEN: Castle entertainments

Choosing a fowler

Making trotters trot


Souls in peril

A wet day in the castle

A grand occasion

CHAPTER EIGHT: Castles of the East

Indian castles


The tragic siege of Chittorgarh

Death before dishonour

Japanese castles

Okiku’s well

CHAPTER NINE: The decline of the castle


Roaring Meg

Romantic ruins

Decisions, decisions

The country-house castle


CHAPTER TEN: Castles of the imagination

To boldly go...

The Round Table

Dracula’s real home?

CHAPTER ELEVEN: New uses for old castles

Defending the realm

So this is Colditz!

Fancy honeymooning in a prison?

Spooky castles


Timeline of Castle History


End matter

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