Front matter
Title page
Publisher information
Key Stage One
The local area
Around our school
A trip to the park
How can we make it safer?
Other places in the UK
The seaside
The wider world
Going on holiday
Finding out about another place
Key Stage Two
Investigating the local area
How is our locality changing?
Land use
Waste and recycling
Traffic issues
Early settlers
A village in Togo
Where does our water come from?
Investigating rivers
River pollution
Investigating coasts
Coastal erosion
Contrasting localities
Where does our food come from?
Different places
Planning a journey
Finding out about rainforests
Back matter
Resource sheets
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3 - Traffic survey sheet
Sheet 4 - The seaside
Sheet 5 - My favourite holiday place
Sheet 6 - I am Anusibuno
Sheet 7 - I am Anusibuno
Sheet 8 - Finding out about another place
Sheet 9 - How is our locality changing
Sheet 10 - More shops
Sheet 11 - Land use
Sheet 12 - Waste and recycling
Sheet 13 - Early settlers
Sheet 14 - Ténéga - my village
Sheet 15 - Ténéga - my village
Sheet 16 - Ténéga - my village
Sheet 17 - Village features
Sheet 18 - A river
Sheet 19 - How much water do we use?
Sheet 20 - River pollution
Sheet 21 - Coastal erosion
Sheet 22 - Coastline in danger
Sheet 23
Sheet 24 - Planning a trip to Katmandu
Sheet 25 - Finding out about rainforests