


Advanced JavaScript电子书

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作       者:Zachary Shute

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:1342.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Gain a deeper understanding of JavaScript and apply it to build small applications in backend, frontend, and mobile frameworks. Key Features * Explore the new ES6 syntax, the event loop, and asynchronous programming * Learn the test-driven development approach when building apps * Master advanced JavaScript concepts to enhance your web developments skill Book Description If you are looking for a programming language to develop flexible and efficient applications, JavaScript is an obvious choice. Advanced JavaScript is a hands-on guide that takes you through JavaScript and its many features, one step at a time. You'll begin by learning how to use the new JavaScript syntax in ES6, and then work through the many other features that modern JavaScript has to offer. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll use asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises, handle browser events, and perform Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation. You'll also explore various methods of testing JavaScript projects. In the concluding chapters, you'll discover functional programming and learn to use it to build your apps. With this book as your guide, you'll also be able to develop APIs using Node.js and Express, create front-ends using React/Redux, and build mobile apps using React/Expo. By the end of Advanced JavaScript, you will have explored the features and benefits of JavaScript to build small applications. What you will learn * Examine major features in ES6 and implement those features to build applications * Create promise and callback handlers to work with asynchronous processes * Develop asynchronous flows using Promise chaining and async/await syntax * Manipulate the DOM with JavaScript * Handle JavaScript browser events * Explore Test Driven Development and build code tests with JavaScript code testing frameworks. * List the benefits and drawbacks of functional programming compared to other styles * Construct applications with the Node.js backend framework and the React frontend framework Who this book is for This book is designed to target anyone who wants to write JavaScript in a professional environment. We expect the audience to have used JavaScript in some capacity and be familiar with the basic syntax. This book would be good for a tech enthusiast wondering when to use generators or how to use Promises and Callbacks effectively, or a novice developer who wants to deepen their knowledge on JavaScript and understand TDD.


About the Book

About the Author




Minimum Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Installing the Code Bundle

Additional Resources


Installing Atom IDE

Installing Node.js and npm

Chapter 1

Introducing ECMAScript 6


Beginning with ECMAScript

Understanding Scope

Function Scope

Function Scope Hoisting

Block Scope

Exercise 1: Implementing Block Scope

Declaring Variables

Exercise 2: Utilizing Variables

Introducing Arrow Functions

Exercise 3: Converting Arrow Functions

Arrow Function Syntax

Exercise 4: Upgrading Arrow Functions

Learning Template Literals

Exercise 5: Converting to Template Literals

Exercise 6: Template Literal Conversion

Enhanced Object Properties

Object Properties

Function Declarations

Computed Properties

Exercise 7: Implementing Enhanced Object Properties

Destructuring Assignment

Array Destructuring

Exercise 8: Array Destructuring

Rest and Spread Operators

Object Destructuring

Exercise 9: Object Destructuring

Exercise 10: Nested Destructuring

Exercise 11: Implementing Destructuring

Classes and Modules


Exercise 12: Creating Your Own Class

Classes – Subclasses


Export Keyword

Import Keyword

Exercise 13: Implementing Classes


Babel- Transpiling

Exercise 14: Transpiling ES6 Code

Iterators and Generators



Exercise 15: Creating a Generator

Activity 1: Implementing Generators


Chapter 2

Asynchronous JavaScript


Asynchronous Programming

Sync Versus Async

Synchronous versus Asynchronous Timing

Introducing Event Loops


Heap and Event Queue

Event Loops

Things to Consider

Exercise 16: Handling the Stack with an Event Loop


Building Callbacks

Callback Pitfalls

Fixing Callback Hell

Exercise 17: Working with Callbacks


Promises States

Resolving or Rejecting a Promise

Using Promises

Exercise 18: Creating and Resolving Your First Promise

Handling Promises

Promise Chaining

Promises and Callbacks

Wrapping Promises in Callbacks

Exercise 19: Working with Promises


Async/Await Syntax

Asnyc/Await Promise Rejection

Using Async Await

Activity 2: Using Async/Await


Chapter 3

DOM Manipulation and Event Handling


DOM Chaining, Navigation, and Manipulation

Exercise 20: Building the HTML Document from a DOM Tree Structure

DOM Navigation

Finding a DOM Node

Traversing the DOM

DOM Manipulation

Updating Nodes in the DOM

Updating Nodes in the DOM

Exercise 21: DOM Manipulation

DOM Events and Event Objects

DOM Event

Event Listeners

Event Objects and Handling Events

Event Propagation

Firing Events

Exercise 22: Handling Your First Event

Custom Events

Exercise 23: Handling and Delegating Events


jQuery Basics

jQuery Selector

jQuery DOM Manipulation

Selecting Elements

Traversing the DOM

Modifying the DOM


jQuery Events

Firing Events

Custom Events

Activity 3: Implementing jQuery


Chapter 4

Testing JavaScript



Reasons to Test Code

Test-driven Development

TDD Cycle


Exercise 24: Applying Test-Driven Development

Types of Testing

Black Box and White Box Testing

Unit Tests

Exercise 25: Building Unit Tests

Functional Testing

Integration Tests

Building Tests

Exercise 26: Writing Tests

Test Tools and Environments

Testing Frameworks


Setting Up Mocha

Mocha Basics

Exercise 27: Setting Up a Mocha Testing Environment

Mocha Async

Mocha Hooks

Activity 4: Utilizing Test Environments


Chapter 5

Functional Programming


Introducing Functional Programming

Object-Oriented Programming

Functional Programming

Declarative Versus Imperative

Imperative Functions

Declarative Functions

Exercise 28: Building Imperative and Declarative Functions

Pure Functions

Same Output Given Same Input

No Side Effects

Referential Transparency

Exercise 29: Building Pure Controllers

Higher Order Functions

Exercise 30: Editing Object Arrays

Shared State

Exercise 31: Fixing Shared States


Immutability in JavaScript

Side Effects

Avoiding Side Effects

Function Composition

Activity 5: Recursive Immutability


Chapter 6

The JavaScript Ecosystem


JavaScript Ecosystem

Frontend JavaScript

Command-Line Interface

Mobile Development

Backend Development


Setting Up Node.js

Node Package Manager

Loading and Creating Modules

Exercise 32: Exporting and Importing NPM Modules

Basic Node.js Server

Exercise 33: Creating a Basic HTTP Server

Streams and Pipes

Types of Streams

Writeable Stream Events:

Readable Stream Events:

Filesystem Operations

Express Server

Exercise 34: Creating a Basic Express Server


Advanced Routing


Error Handling

Exercise 35: Building a Backend with Node.js


Installing React

React Basics

React Specifics





Conditional Rendering

List of Items

HTML Forms

Activity 6: Building a Frontend with React



Chapter 1: Introducing ECMAScript 6

Activity 1 – Implementing Generators

Chapter 2: Asynchronous JavaScript

Activity 2 – Using Async/Await

Chapter 3: DOM Manipulation and Event Handling

Activity 3 – Implementing jQuery

Chapter 4: Testing JavaScript

Activity 4 – Utilizing Test Environments

Chapter 5: Functional Programming

Activity 1 – Recursive Immutability

Chapter 6: JavaScript Ecosystem

Activity 6 – Building a Frontend with React

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