


Building Serverless Microservices in Python电子书

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作       者:Takashi Freeman Richard

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:19.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A practical guide for developing end-to-end serverless microservices in Python for developers, DevOps, and architects. Key Features * Create a secure, cost-effective, and scalable serverless data API * Use identity management and authentication for a user-specific and secure web application * Go beyond traditional web hosting to explore the full range of cloud hosting options Book Description Over the last few years, there has been a massive shift from monolithic architecture to microservices, thanks to their small and independent deployments that allow increased flexibility and agile delivery. Traditionally, virtual machines and containers were the principal mediums for deploying microservices, but they involved a lot of operational effort, configuration, and maintenance. More recently, serverless computing has gained popularity due to its built-in autoscaling abilities, reduced operational costs, and increased productivity. Building Serverless Microservices in Python begins by introducing you to serverless microservice structures. You will then learn how to create your first serverless data API and test your microservice. Moving on, you'll delve into data management and work with serverless patterns. Finally, the book introduces you to the importance of securing microservices. By the end of the book, you will have gained the skills you need to combine microservices with serverless computing, making their deployment much easier thanks to the cloud provider managing the servers and capacity planning. What you will learn * Discover what microservices offer above and beyond other architectures * Create a serverless application with AWS * Gain secure access to data and resources * Run tests on your configuration and code * Create a highly available serverless microservice data API * Build, deploy, and run your serverless configuration and code Who this book is for If you are a developer with basic knowledge of Python and want to learn how to build, test, deploy, and secure microservices, then this book is for you. No prior knowledge of building microservices is required.

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Serverless Microservices Architectures and Patterns

Understanding different architecture types and patterns

The monolithic multi-tier architecture and the monolithic service-oriented architecture

Benefits of monolithic architectures

Drawbacks of the monolithic architectures

Overview of microservices

Benefits and drawbacks of microservice architectures

SOA versus microservices

Virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing

Virtual machines


Serverless computing

Comparing virtual machines, containers, and serverless

Overview of microservice integration patterns

Design patterns

Why are patterns useful?

Software design patterns and principles

Serverless microservices pattern categories

Communication styles and decomposition microservice patterns

Communication styles

One-to-one communication microservice patterns

Many-to-many communication microservice patterns

Decomposition pattern by business capability

Decomposition pattern by bounded context

Serverless computing in AWS

Overview of some of the key serverless services in AWS

AWS Lambda

Serverless computing to implement microservice patterns

Example use case – serverless file transformer

Setting up your serverless environment

Setting up your AWS account

Setting up MFA

Setting up a new user with keys

Managing your infrastructure with code

Installing bash on Windows 10

Updating Ubuntu, installing Git and Python 3

Installing and setting up the AWS CLI


Creating Your First Serverless Data API

Overview of security in AWS

Why is security important?

Security by design principles

AWS Identity and Access Management

JavaScript object notation

IAM policies

IAM users

IAM groups

IAM roles

Securing your serverless microservices

Lambda security

API Gateway security

DynamoDB security

Monitoring and alerting

Find out more

Building a serverless microservice data API

Serverless microservice data API requirements

Query string

Data API architecture

Setting up Lambda security in the AWS Management Console

Creating an IAM policy

DynamoDB IAM policy

Lambda IAM policy

Creating the Lambda IAM role

Creating and writing to a NoSQL database called DynamoDB using AWS

Creating a DynamoDB in AWS

Writing data to DynamoDB using AWS

Querying DynamoDB using AWS

DynamoDB Scan in AWS Management Console

DynamoDB Query in AWS Management Console

Deleting DynamoDB using AWS

Creating and writing to a NoSQL database called DynamoDB using Python

Creating a DynamoDB table using Python

Writing to DynamoDB using Python

Querying DynamoDB using Python

Creating a Lambda to query DynamoDB

Creating the Lambda function

Testing the Lambda function

Setting up the API Gateway and integrating it with a Lambda proxy

Connecting API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB



Deploying Your Serverless Stack

An overview of serverless stack build and deploy options

Manually provisioning infrastructure

Infrastructure as code

Building and deploying using the Serverless Application Model (SAM)

Building and deploying using alternate options

Creating a profile, an S3 bucket, IAM policies, and IAM roles resources

Creating an AWS credentials profile

Creating an S3 bucket

Setting up the configuration files for your AWS account

Updating the polices and assuming roles files

Creating the IAM roles and policies

Checking the IAM roles and policies

Building and deploying with API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB

Building the Lambda as a ZIP package

SAM YAML template

Packaging and deploying your serverless stack

Putting it all together

Manually testing the serverless microservice

Making code and configuration changes

Deleting the serverless stack


Testing Your Serverless Microservice

Unit testing your Python Lambda code

Why is testing important?

Types of testing

Unit testing Lambda Python code

The sample test data

The unit test


Running the unit test

Code coverage

Running and debugging your AWS Lambda code locally

Batch-loading data into DynamoDB

Running the Lambda locally

Integration testing using real test data

Testing that a Lambda has been deployed correctly

Testing that API Gateway has been deployed correctly

The AWS Serverless Application Model CLI

Loading and end-to-end testing at scale

Load testing your serverless microservice

Strategies to reduce the API's latency

Cleaning up


Securing Your Microservice

Overview of the security in AWS

Why is security important?

Types of security terms in AWS

Overview of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

IAM users

IAM groups

IAM roles

Securing your serverless microservice

Lambda security

DynamoDB security

Monitoring and alerting


Summary and Future Work

Book summary

Future work

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