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Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners
Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners
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1. Getting Started with Android and Kotlin
Why use Kotlin and Android?
The beginner's first stumbling block
How Kotlin and Android work together
The Android API
Kotlin is object-oriented
Run that by me again – what, exactly, is Android?
Android Studio
Setting up Android Studio
Final step – for now
What makes an Android app?
Android resources
The structure of Android's code
Our first Android app
Possible extra step 1
Possible extra step 2
Deploying the app so far
Running and debugging the app on an Android emulator
Running the app on a real device
Frequently asked question
2. Kotlin, XML, and the UI Designer
Examining the log output
Filtering the logcat output
Exploring the project's Kotlin code and the main layout's XML code
Examining the MainActivity.kt file
Code folding (hiding) in Android Studio
The package declaration
Importing classes
The class declaration
Functions inside the class
A summary of the Kotlin code so far
Examining the main layout file
UI layout elements
UI text elements
Adding buttons to the main layout file
Adding a button via the visual designer
Editing the button's attributes
Examining the XML code for the new button
Adding a button by editing the XML code
Giving the buttons unique id attributes
Positioning the two buttons in the layout
Making the buttons call different functions
Leaving comments in our Kotlin code
Coding messages to the user and the developer
Writing our first Kotlin code
Adding message code to the onCreate function
Examining the output
Writing our own Kotlin functions
Examining the output
Frequently asked questions
3. Exploring Android Studio and the Project Structure
A quick guided tour of Android Studio
Project Explorer and project anatomy
The Empty Activity project
Exploring the Empty Activity project
The manifests folder
The java folder
The res folder
The res/drawable folder
The res/layout folder
The res/mipmap folder
The res/values folder
The colors.xml file
The strings.xml file
The styles.xml file
The Basic Activity project
Exploring the Basic Activity project
The MainActivity.kt file
The activity_main.xml file
The extra functions in MainActivity.kt
The content_main.xml file
Exploring the Android emulator
The emulator control panel
Using the emulator as a real device
Accessing the app drawer
Viewing active apps and switching between apps
4. Getting Started with Layouts and Material Design
Material design
Exploring Android UI design
Creating the Exploring Layouts project
Building a menu with LinearLayout
Adding a LinearLayout to the project
Preparing your workspace
Examining the generated XML
Adding a TextView to the UI
Adding a multi-line TextView to the UI
Wiring up the UI with the Kotlin code (part 1)
Adding layouts within layouts
Making the layout look pretty
Wiring up the UI with the Kotlin code (part 2)
Building a precise UI with ConstraintLayout
Adding a CalenderView
Resizing a view in a ConstraintLayout
Using the Component Tree window
Adding constraints manually
Adding and constraining more UI elements
Making the text clickable
Laying out data with TableLayout
Adding a TableRow to TableLayout
Using the Component Tree when the visual designer won't do
Organizing the table columns
Linking back to the main menu
5. Beautiful Layouts with CardView and ScrollView
Attributes – a quick summary
Sizing using dp
Sizing fonts using sp
Determining size with wrap or match
Using padding and margin
Using the layout_weight property
Using gravity
Building a UI with CardView and ScrollView
Setting the view with Kotlin code
Adding image resources
Creating the content for the cards
Defining dimensions for CardView
Adding CardView to our layout
Including layout files inside another layout
Themes and material design
Using the Android Studio theme designer
Creating a tablet emulator
Frequently asked question
6. The Android Lifecycle
The life and times of an Android app
How Android interacts with our apps
A simplified explanation of the Android lifecycle
The lifecycle phases demystified
How we handle the lifecycle phases
The lifecycle demo app
Coding the lifecycle demo app
Running the lifecycle demo app
Examining the lifecycle demo app output
Some other overridden functions
The structure of Kotlin code – revisited
7. Kotlin Variables, Operators, and Expressions
Learning the jargon
More on code comments
Types of variables
Declaring and initializing variables
Saving keystrokes with type inference
Operators and expressions
The assignment operator
The addition operator
The subtraction operator
The division operator
The multiplication operator
The increment operator
The decrement operator
The express yourself demo app
8. Kotlin Decisions and Loops
Making decisions in Kotlin
Indenting code for clarity
More Kotlin operators
The comparison operator
The logical NOT operator
The NOT equal operator
The greater-than operator
The less-than operator
The greater-than-or-equal-to operator
The less-than-or-equal-to operator
The logical AND operator
The logical OR operator
How to use all these operators to test variables
Using the if expression
If they come over the bridge, shoot them!
Else do this instead
Using when to make decisions
The When Demo app
Repeating code with loops
while loops
do-while loops
For loops
Controlling loops with break and continue
Sample code
9. Kotlin Functions
Function basics and recap
The basic function declaration
Function parameter lists
The return type and the return keyword
Function bodies and single-expression functions
Making functions flexible
Default and named arguments
Even more on functions
10. Object-Oriented Programming
Introducing OOP
What is OOP exactly?
Why do it like this?
Class recap
Basic classes
Declaring a class
Instantiating a class
Classes have functions and variables (kind of)
Using the variables of a class
Using the functions and variables of a class
Class variables are properties
Examples using properties with their getters, setters, and fields
When to use overridden getters and setters
Visibility modifiers
Visibility modifiers summary
Primary constructors
Secondary constructors
We need to talk about this
Using the Meeting class
Init blocks
Basic classes app and using the init block
Introduction to references
11. Inheritance in Kotlin
OOP and inheritance
Using inheritance with open classes
Basic inheritance examples
Overriding functions
Summary so far
More polymorphism
Abstract classes and functions
Classes using the Inheritance example app
12. Connecting Our Kotlin to the UI and Nullability
All the Android UI elements are classes too
A quick break to throw out the trash
Seven useful facts about the Stack and the Heap
So, how does this Heap thing help me?
Kotlin interfaces
Using buttons and TextView widgets from our layout with a little help from interfaces
Nullability – val and var revisited
Null objects
Safe call operator
Non null assertion
Nullability in review
13. Bringing Android Widgets to Life
Declaring and initializing the objects from the layout
Creating UI widgets from pure Kotlin without XML
Exploring the palette – part 1
The EditText widget
The ImageView widget
RadioButtons and RadioGroups
Writing the code for the overridden function
Exploring the palette – part 2, and more lambdas
The Switch widget
The CheckBox widget
The TextClock widget
The widget exploration app
Setting up the widget exploration project and UI
Coding the widget exploration app
Coding the CheckBox widget
Changing transparency
Changing color
Changing size
Coding the RadioButton widgets
Using a lambda for handling clicks on a regular Button widget
Coding the Switch widget
Running the Widget Exploration app
Converting layouts to ConstraintLayout
14. Android Dialog Windows
Dialog windows
Creating the dialog demo project
Coding a DialogFragment class
Using chaining to configure the DialogFragment class
Using the DialogFragment class
The Note to self app
Using String resources
How to get the code files for the Note to self app
The completed app
Building the project
Preparing the String resources
Coding the Note class
Implementing the dialog designs
Coding the dialog boxes
Coding the DialogNewNote class
Coding the DialogShowNote class
Showing and using our new dialogs
Coding the floating action button
15. Handling Data and Generating Random Numbers
A random diversion
Handling large amounts of data with arrays
Arrays are objects
A simple mini-app array example
Getting dynamic with arrays
A dynamic array example
Arrays and ArrayLists are polymorphic
The Note to self app
Frequently asked questions
16. Adapters and Recyclers
Inner classes
RecyclerView and RecyclerAdapter
The problem with displaying lots of widgets
The solution to the problem with displaying lots of widgets
How to use RecyclerView and RecyclerAdapter
What we will do to set up RecyclerView with RecyclerAdapter and an ArrayList of notes
Adding RecyclerView, RecyclerAdapter, and ArrayList to the Note to Self project
Removing the temporary "Show Note" button and adding RecyclerView
Creating a list item for RecyclerView
Coding the RecyclerAdapter class
Coding the onCreateViewHolder function
Coding the onBindViewHolder function
Coding getItemCount
Coding the ListItemHolder inner class
Coding MainActivity to use the RecyclerView and RecyclerAdapter classes
Adding code to onCreate
Modifying the createNewNote function
Coding the showNote function
Running the app
Frequently asked questions
17. Data Persistence and Sharing
The Android Intent class
Switching Activity
Passing data between Activities
Adding a settings page to Note to self
Creating the SettingsActivity
Designing the settings screen layout
Enabling the user to switch to the "Settings" screen
Persisting data with SharedPreferences
Reloading data with SharedPreferences
Making the Note to self settings persist
Coding the SettingsActivity class
Coding the MainActivity class
More advanced persistence
What is JSON?
Exceptions – try, catch, and finally
Backing up user data in Note to self
Frequently asked questions
18. Localization
Making the Note to self app Spanish, English, and German
Adding Spanish support
Adding German support
Adding the String resources
Running Note to self in German or Spanish
Making the translations work in Kotlin code
19. Animations and Interpolations
Animations in Android
Designing cool animations in XML
Fading in and out
Move it, move it
Scaling or stretching
Controlling the duration
Rotate animations
Repeating animations
Combining an animation's properties with sets
Instantiating animations and controlling them with Kotlin code
More animation features
Animation interpolators
Animations demo app – introducing SeekBar
Laying out the animation demo
Coding the XML animations
Wiring up the Animation demo app in Kotlin
Frequently asked questions
20. Drawing Graphics
Understanding the Canvas class
Getting started drawing with Bitmap, Canvas, and ImageView
Canvas and Bitmap
ImageView and Activity
Canvas, Bitmap, Paint, and ImageView – a quick summary
Using the Canvas class
Preparing the instances of the required classes
Initializing the objects
Setting the Activity content
The Canvas Demo app
Creating a new project
Coding the Canvas demo app
Exploring the Bitmap initialization
Drawing on the screen
Explaining Color.argb
The Android coordinate system
Plotting and drawing
Creating bitmap graphics with the Bitmap class
Manipulating bitmaps
What is a bitmap?
The Matrix class
Inverting a bitmap to face the opposite direction
Rotating the bitmap to face up and down
The Bitmap manipulation demo app
Adding the Bob graphic to the project
Frequently asked question
21. Threads and Starting the Live Drawing App
Creating the Live Drawing project
Looking ahead at the Live Drawing app
Coding the MainActivity class
Coding the LiveDrawingView class
Adding the properties
Coding the draw function
Adding the printDebuggingText function
Understanding the draw function and the SurfaceView class
The game loop
Problems with threads
Implementing the game loop with a thread
Implementing Runnable and providing the run function
Coding the thread
Starting and stopping the thread
Using the Activity lifecycle to start and stop the thread
Coding the run function
Running the app
22. Particle Systems and Handling Screen Touches
Adding custom buttons to the screen
Implementing a particle system effect
Coding the Particle class
Coding the ParticleSystem class
Spawning particle systems in the LiveDrawingView class
Handling touches
Coding the onTouchEvent function
Finishing the HUD
Running the app
23. Android Sound Effects and the Spinner Widget
The SoundPool class
Initializing SoundPool
Loading sound files into memory
Playing a sound
Stopping a sound
Sound demo app introducing the Spinner widget
Making sound effects
Laying out the sound demo UI
Coding the Sound demo
24. Design Patterns, Multiple Layouts, and Fragments
Introducing the model-view-controller pattern
Android design guidelines
Real-world apps
Device detection mini app
Coding the MainActivity class
Unlocking the screen orientation
Running the app
Configuration qualifiers
The limitation of configuration qualifiers
Fragments have a life cycle too
The onCreate function
The onCreateView function
The onAttach and onDetach functions
The onStart, onPause, and onStop functions
Managing fragments with FragmentManager
Our first fragment app
Fragment reality check
Frequently asked question
25. Advanced UI with Paging and Swiping
The Angry Birds classic swipe menu
Building an image gallery/slider app
Implementing the layout
Coding the PagerAdapter class
Coding the MainActivity class
Running the gallery app
Kotlin companion objects
Building a Fragment Pager/slider app
Coding the SimpleFragment class
The fragment_layout
Coding the MainActivity class
The activity_main layout
Running the fragment slider app
26. Advanced UI with Navigation Drawer and Fragment
Introducing the NavigationView
Examining the Age Database app
Starting the Age Database project
Exploring the auto-generated code and assets
Coding the Fragment classes and their layouts
Creating the empty files for the classes and layouts
Coding the classes
Designing the layouts
Designing content_insert.xml
Designing content_delete.xml
Designing content_search.xml
Designing content_results.xml
Using the Fragment classes and their layouts
Editing the navigation drawer menu
Adding a holder to the main layout
Coding the MainActivity.kt file
27. Android Databases
Database 101
What is a database?
What is SQL?
What is SQLite?
The SQL syntax primer
SQLite example code
Creating a table
Inserting data into the database
Retrieving data from the database
Updating the database structure
The Android SQLite API
SQLiteOpenHelper and SQLiteDatabase
Building and executing queries
Database cursors
Coding the database class
Coding the Fragment classes to use the DataManager class
Running the Age Database app
28. A Quick Chat Before You Go
Making an app!
Carrying on learning
Carrying on reading
Android user forums
Higher-level study
My other channels
Goodbye and thank you
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