


Bayesian Analysis with Python电子书

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作       者:Osvaldo Martin

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:44.1万

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Bayesian modeling with PyMC3 and exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with ArviZ Key Features *A step-by-step guide to conduct Bayesian data analyses using PyMC3 and ArviZ *A modern, practical and computational approach to Bayesian statistical modeling *A tutorial for Bayesian analysis and best practices with the help of sample problems and practice exercises. Book Description The second edition of Bayesian Analysis with Python is an introduction to the main concepts of applied Bayesian inference and its practical implementation in Python using PyMC3, a state-of-the-art probabilistic programming library, and ArviZ, a new library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models. The main concepts of Bayesian statistics are covered using a practical and computational approach. Synthetic and real data sets are used to introduce several types of models, such as generalized linear models for regression and classification, mixture models, hierarchical models, and Gaussian processes, among others. By the end of the book, you will have a working knowledge of probabilistic modeling and you will be able to design and implement Bayesian models for your own data science problems. After reading the book you will be better prepared to delve into more advanced material or specialized statistical modeling if you need to. What you will learn *Build probabilistic models using the Python library PyMC3 *Analyze probabilistic models with the help of ArviZ *Acquire the skills required to sanity check models and modify them if necessary *Understand the advantages and caveats of hierarchical models *Find out how different models can be used to answer different data analysis questions *Compare models and choose between alternative ones *Discover how different models are unified from a probabilistic perspective *Think probabilistically and benefit from the flexibility of the Bayesian framework Who this book is for If you are a student, data scientist, researcher, or a developer looking to get started with Bayesian data analysis and probabilistic programming, this book is for you. The book is introductory so no previous statistical knowledge is required, although some experience in using Python and NumPy is expected.

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Bayesian Analysis with Python Second Edition


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Thinking Probabilistically

Statistics, models, and this book's approach

Working with data

Bayesian modeling

Probability theory

Interpreting probabilities

Defining probabilities

Probability distributions

Independently and identically distributed variables

Bayes' theorem

Single-parameter inference

The coin-flipping problem

The general model

Choosing the likelihood

Choosing the prior

Getting the posterior

Computing and plotting the posterior

The influence of the prior and how to choose one

Communicating a Bayesian analysis

Model notation and visualization

Summarizing the posterior

Highest-posterior density

Posterior predictive checks



Programming Probabilistically

Probabilistic programming

PyMC3 primer

Flipping coins the PyMC3 way

Model specification

Pushing the inference button

Summarizing the posterior

Posterior-based decisions


Loss functions

Gaussians all the way down

Gaussian inferences

Robust inferences

Student's t-distribution

Groups comparison

Cohen's d

Probability of superiority

The tips dataset

Hierarchical models


One more example



Modeling with Linear Regression

Simple linear regression

The machine learning connection

The core of the linear regression models

Linear models and high autocorrelation

Modifying the data before running

Interpreting and visualizing the posterior

Pearson correlation coefficient

Pearson coefficient from a multivariate Gaussian

Robust linear regression

Hierarchical linear regression

Correlation, causation, and the messiness of life

Polynomial regression

Interpreting the parameters of a polynomial regression

Polynomial regression – the ultimate model?

Multiple linear regression

Confounding variables and redundant variables

Multicollinearity or when the correlation is too high

Masking effect variables

Adding interactions

Variable variance



Generalizing Linear Models

Generalized linear models

Logistic regression

The logistic model

The Iris dataset

The logistic model applied to the iris dataset

Multiple logistic regression

The boundary decision

Implementing the model

Interpreting the coefficients of a logistic regression

Dealing with correlated variables

Dealing with unbalanced classes

Softmax regression

Discriminative and generative models

Poisson regression

Poisson distribution

The zero-inflated Poisson model

Poisson regression and ZIP regression

Robust logistic regression

The GLM module



Model Comparison

Posterior predictive checks

Occam's razor – simplicity and accuracy

Too many parameters leads to overfitting

Too few parameters leads to underfitting

The balance between simplicity and accuracy

Predictive accuracy measures


Information criteria

Log-likelihood and deviance

Akaike information criterion

Widely applicable Information Criterion

Pareto smoothed importance sampling leave-one-out cross-validation

Other Information Criteria

Model comparison with PyMC3

A note on the reliability of WAIC and LOO computations

Model averaging

Bayes factors

Some remarks

Computing Bayes factors

Common problems when computing Bayes factors

Using Sequential Monte Carlo to compute Bayes factors

Bayes factors and Information Criteria

Regularizing priors

WAIC in depth


Kullback-Leibler divergence



Mixture Models

Mixture models

Finite mixture models

The categorical distribution

The Dirichlet distribution

Non-identifiability of mixture models

How to choose K

Mixture models and clustering

Non-finite mixture model

Dirichlet process

Continuous mixtures

Beta-binomial and negative binomial

The Student's t-distribution



Gaussian Processes

Linear models and non-linear data

Modeling functions

Multivariate Gaussians and functions

Covariance functions and kernels

Gaussian processes

Gaussian process regression

Regression with spatial autocorrelation

Gaussian process classification

Cox processes

The coal-mining disasters

The redwood dataset



Inference Engines

Inference engines

Non-Markovian methods

Grid computing

Quadratic method

Variational methods

Automatic differentiation variational inference

Markovian methods

Monte Carlo

Markov chain


Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Sequential Monte Carlo

Diagnosing the samples


Monte Carlo error


Effective sample sizes


Non-centered parameterization



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