


Machine Learning with Scala Quick Start Guide电子书

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作       者:Md. Rezaul Karim

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:27.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Supervised and unsupervised machine learning made easy in Scala with this quick-start guide. Key Features * Construct and deploy machine learning systems that learn from your data and give accurate predictions * Unleash the power of Spark ML along with popular machine learning algorithms to solve complex tasks in Scala. * Solve hands-on problems by combining popular neural network architectures such as LSTM and CNN using Scala with DeepLearning4j library Book Description Scala is a highly scalable integration of object-oriented nature and functional programming concepts that make it easy to build scalable and complex big data applications. This book is a handy guide for machine learning developers and data scientists who want to develop and train effective machine learning models in Scala. The book starts with an introduction to machine learning, while covering deep learning and machine learning basics. It then explains how to use Scala-based ML libraries to solve classification and regression problems using linear regression, generalized linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machine, and Na?ve Bayes algorithms. It also covers tree-based ensemble techniques for solving both classification and regression problems. Moving ahead, it covers unsupervised learning techniques, such as dimensionality reduction, clustering, and recommender systems. Finally, it provides a brief overview of deep learning using a real-life example in Scala. What you will learn * Get acquainted with JVM-based machine learning libraries for Scala such as Spark ML and Deeplearning4j * Learn RDDs, DataFrame, and Spark SQL for analyzing structured and unstructured data * Understand supervised and unsupervised learning techniques with best practices and pitfalls * Learn classification and regression analysis with linear regression, logistic regression, Na?ve Bayes, support vector machine, and tree-based ensemble techniques * Learn effective ways of clustering analysis with dimensionality reduction techniques * Learn recommender systems with collaborative filtering approach * Delve into deep learning and neural network architectures Who this book is for This book is for machine learning developers looking to train machine learning models in Scala without spending too much time and effort. Some fundamental knowledge of Scala programming and some basics of statistics and linear algebra is all you need to get started with this book.

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Introduction to Machine Learning with Scala

Technical requirements

Overview of ML

Working principles of a learning algorithm

General machine learning rule of thumb

General issues in machine learning models

ML tasks

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning

Reinforcement learning

Summarizing learning types with applications

Overview of Scala

ML libraries in Scala

Spark MLlib and ML

ScalNet and DynaML

ScalaNLP, Vegas, and Breeze

Getting started learning

Description of the dataset

Configuring the programming environment

Getting started with Apache Spark

Reading the training dataset

Preprocessing and feature engineering

Preparing training data and training a classifier

Evaluating the model


Scala for Regression Analysis

Technical requirements

An overview of regression analysis



Regression analysis algorithms

Performance metrics

Learning regression analysis through examples

Description of the dataset

Exploratory analysis of the dataset

Feature engineering and data preparation

Linear regression

Generalized linear regression (GLR)

Hyperparameter tuning and cross-validation

Hyperparameter tuning


Tuning and cross-validation in Spark ML


Scala for Learning Classification

Technical requirements

Overview of classification

Developing predictive models for churn

Description of the dataset

Exploratory analysis and feature engineering

LR for churn prediction

NB for churn prediction

SVM for churn prediction


Scala for Tree-Based Ensemble Techniques

Technical requirements

Decision trees and tree ensembles

Decision trees for supervised learning

Decision trees for classification

Decision trees for regression

Gradient boosted trees for supervised learning

Gradient boosted trees for classification

GBTs for regression

Random forest for supervised learning

Random forest for classification

Random forest for regression

What's next?


Scala for Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering

Technical requirements

Overview of unsupervised learning

Clustering analysis

Clustering analysis algorithms

K-means for clustering analysis

Bisecting k-means

Gaussian mixture model

Other clustering analysis algorithms

Clustering analysis through examples

Description of the dataset

Preparing the programming environment

Clustering geographic ethnicity

Training the k-means algorithm

Dimensionality reduction

Principal component analysis with Spark ML

Determining the optimal number of clusters

The elbow method

The silhouette analysis


Scala for Recommender System

Technical requirements

Overview of recommendation systems

Types of recommender systems

Similarity-based recommender systems

Content-based filtering approaches

Collaborative filtering approaches

The utility matrix

Model-based book recommendation system

Matrix factorization

Exploratory analysis

Prepare training and test rating data

Adding new user ratings and making new predictions


Introduction to Deep Learning with Scala

Technical requirements

DL versus ML

DL and ANNs

ANNs and the human brain

A brief history of neural networks

How does an ANN learn?

Training a neural network

Weight and bias initialization

Activation functions

Neural network architectures





Generative adversarial networks (GANs)

Capsule networks

DL frameworks

Getting started with learning

Description of the dataset

Preparing the programming environment


Dataset preparation

LSTM network construction

Network training

Evaluating the model

Observing the training using Deeplearning4j UI


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