


Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Gigi Sayfan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:62.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Enhance your skills in building scalable infrastructure for your cloud-based applications Key Features * Learn to design a scalable architecture by building continuous integration (CI) pipelines with Kubernetes * Get an in-depth understanding of role-based access control (RBAC), continuous deployment (CD), and observability * Monitor a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus and Grafana Book Description Kubernetes is among the most popular open-source platforms for automating the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing a container-centric infrastructure. Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes starts by providing you with in-depth insights into the synergy between Kubernetes and microservices. You will learn how to use Delinkcious, which will serve as a live lab throughout the book to help you understand microservices and Kubernetes concepts in the context of a real-world application. Next, you will get up to speed with setting up a CI/CD pipeline and configuring microservices using Kubernetes ConfigMaps. As you cover later chapters, you will gain hands-on experience in securing microservices, and implementing REST, gRPC APIs, and a Delinkcious data store. In addition to this, you’ll explore the Nuclio project, run a serverless task on Kubernetes, and manage and implement data-intensive tests. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll deploy microservices on Kubernetes and learn to maintain a well-monitored system. Finally, you’ll discover the importance of service meshes and how to incorporate Istio into the Delinkcious cluster. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to implement microservices on Kubernetes with the help of effective tools and best practices. What you will learn * Understand the synergy between Kubernetes and microservices * Create a complete CI/CD pipeline for your microservices on Kubernetes * Develop microservices on Kubernetes with the Go kit framework using best practices * Manage and monitor your system using Kubernetes and open-source tools * Expose your services through REST and gRPC APIs * Implement and deploy serverless functions as a service * Externalize authentication, authorization and traffic shaping using a service mesh * Run a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud on Google Kubernetes Engine Who this book is for This book is for developers, DevOps engineers, or anyone who wants to develop large-scale microservice-based systems on top of Kubernetes. If you are looking to use Kubernetes on live production projects or want to migrate existing systems to a modern containerized microservices system, then this book is for you. Coding skills, together with some knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud concepts will be useful.

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Introduction to Kubernetes for Developers

Technical requirements

Installing Docker

Installing kubectl

Installing Minikube

The code

Kubernetes in a nutshell

Kubernetes – the container orchestration platform

The history of Kubernetes

The state of Kubernetes

Understanding the Kubernetes architecture

The control plane

The API server

The etcd store

The scheduler

The controller manager

The data plane

The kubelet

The kube proxy

The container runtime


Kubernetes and microservices – a perfect match

Packaging and deploying microservices

Exposing and discovering microservices

Securing microservices


Service accounts


Secure communication

Network policies

Authenticating and authorizing microservices

Role-based access control

Upgrading microservices

Scaling microservices

Monitoring microservices



Creating a local cluster

Installing Minikube

Troubleshooting Minikube

Verifying your cluster

Playing with your cluster

Installing Helm


Further reading

Getting Started with Microservices

Technical requirements

Installing Go with Homebrew on macOS

Installing Go on other platforms

The code

Programming in the small – less is more

Making your microservice autonomous

Employing interfaces and contracts

Exposing your service via APIs

Using client libraries

Managing dependencies

Coordinating microservices

The uniformity versus flexibility trade-off

Taking advantage of ownership

Understanding Conway's law




Troubleshooting across multiple services

Utilizing shared service libraries

Choosing a source control strategy


Multiple repos


Creating a data strategy

One data store per microservice

Running distributed queries

Employing Command Query Responsibility Segregation

Employing API composition

Using sagas to manage transactions across multiple services

Understanding ACID

Understanding the CAP theorem

Applying the saga pattern to microservices


Further reading

Delinkcious - the Sample Application

Technical requirements

Visual Studio Code



Other options

The code

Choosing Go for Delinkcious

Getting to know Go kit

Structuring microservices with Go kit

Understanding transports

Understanding endpoints

Understanding services

Understanding middleware

Understanding clients

Generating the boilerplate

Introducing the Delinkcious directory structure

The cmd subdirectory

The pkg subdirectory

The svc subdirectory

Introducing the Delinkcious microservices

The object model

The service implementation

Implementing the support functions

Invoking the API via a client library

Storing data


Further reading

Setting Up the CI/CD Pipeline

Technical requirements

The code

Understanding a CI/CD pipeline

Options for the Delinkcious CI/CD pipeline

Jenkins X


Travis CI and CircleCI


Argo CD

Rolling your own


Building your images with CircleCI

Reviewing the source tree

Configuring the CI pipeline

Understanding the build.sh script

Dockerizing a Go service with a multi-stage Dockerfile

Exploring the CircleCI UI

Considering future improvements

Setting up continuous delivery for Delinkcious

Deploying a Delinkcious microservice

Understanding Argo CD

Argo CD is built on Argo

Argo CD utilizes GitOps

Getting started with Argo CD

Configuring Argo CD

Using sync policies

Exploring Argo CD


Further reading

Configuring Microservices with Kubernetes

Technical requirements

The code

What is configuration all about?

Configuration and secrets

Managing configuration the old-fashioned way

Convention over configuration

Command-line flags

Environment variables

Configuration files

INI format

XML format

JSON format

YAML format

TOML format

Proprietary formats

Hybrid configuration and defaults

Twelve factor app configuration

Managing configuration dynamically

Understanding dynamic configuration

When is dynamic configuration useful?

When should you avoid dynamic configuration?

Remote configuration store

Remote configuration service

Configuring microservices with Kubernetes

Working with Kubernetes ConfigMaps

Creating and managing ConfigMaps

Applying advanced configuration

Kubernetes custom resources

Service discovery


Further reading

Securing Microservices on Kubernetes

Technical requirements

The code

Applying sound security principles

Differentiating between user accounts and service accounts

User accounts

Service accounts

Managing secrets with Kubernetes

Understanding the three types of Kubernetes secret

Creating your own secrets

Passing secrets to containers

Building a secure pod

Managing permissions with RBAC

Controlling access with authentication, authorization, and admission

Authenticating microservices

Authorizing microservices

Admitting microservices

Hardening your Kubernetes cluster using security best practices

Securing your images

Always pull images

Scan for vulnerabilities

Update your dependencies

Pinning the versions of your base images

Using minimal base images

Dividing and conquering your network

Safeguarding your image registry

Granting access to Kubernetes resources as needed

Using quotas to minimize the blast radius

Units for requests and limits

Implementing security contexts

Hardening your pods with security policies

Hardening your toolchain

Authentication of admin user via JWT tokens

Authorization via RBAC

Secure communication over HTTPS

Secret and credentials management


Cluster RBAC


Further reading

Talking to the World - APIs and Load Balancers

Technical requirements

The code

Getting familiar with Kubernetes services

Service types in Kubernetes

East-west versus north-south communication

Understanding ingress and load balancing

Providing and consuming a public REST API

Building a Python-based API gateway service

Implementing social login

Routing traffic to internal microservices

Utilizing base Docker images to reduce build time

Adding ingress

Verifying that the API gateway is available outside the cluster

Finding the Delinkcious URL

Getting an access token

Hitting the Delinkcious API gateway from outside the cluster

Providing and consuming an internal gRPC API

Defining the NewsManager interface

Implementing the news manager package

Exposing NewsManager as a gRPC service

Defining the gRPC service contract

Generating service stubs and client libraries with gRPC

Using Go-kit to build the NewsManager service

Implementing the gRPC transport

Sending and receiving events via a message queue

What is NATS?

Deploying NATS in the cluster

Sending link events with NATS

Subscribing to link events with NATS

Handling link events

Understanding service meshes


Further reading

Working with Stateful Services

Technical requirements

The code

Abstracting storage

The Kubernetes storage model

Storage classes

Volumes, persistent volumes, and provisioning

Persistent volume claims

In-tree and out-of-tree storage plugins

Understanding CSI

Standardizing on CSI

Storing data outside your Kubernetes cluster

Storing data inside your cluster with StatefulSets

Understanding a StatefulSet

StatefulSet components

Pod identity


When should you use a StatefulSet?

Comparing deployment and StatefulSets

Reviewing a large StatefulSet example

A quick introduction to Cassandra

Deploying Cassandra on Kubernetes using StatefulSets

Achieving high performance with local storage

Storing your data in memory

Storing your data on a local SSD

Using relational databases in Kubernetes

Understanding where the data is stored

Using a deployment and service

Using a StatefulSet

Helping the user service locate StatefulSet pods

Managing schema changes

Using non-relational data stores in Kubernetes

An introduction to Redis

Persisting events in the news service


Further reading

Running Serverless Tasks on Kubernetes

Technical requirements

The code

Serverless in the cloud

Microservices and serverless functions

Modeling serverless functions in Kubernetes

Functions as code

Functions as containers

Building, configuring, and deploying serverless functions

Invoking serverless functions

Link checking with Delinkcious

Designing link checks

Implementing link checks

Serverless link checking with Nuclio

A quick introduction to Nuclio

Creating a link checker serverless function

Deploying the link checker function with nuctl

Deploying a function using the Nuclio dashboard

Invoking the link-checker function directly

Triggering link checking in LinkManager

Other Kubernetes serverless frameworks

Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs






Further reading

Testing Microservices

Technical requirements

Unit testing

Unit testing with Go

Unit testing with Ginkgo and Gomega

Delinkcious unit testing

Designing for testability

The art of mocking

Bootstrapping your test suite

Implementing the LinkManager unit tests

Should you test everything?

Integration testing

Initializing a test database

Running services

Running the actual test

Implementing database test helpers

Implementing service test helpers

Checking errors

Running a local service

Stopping a local service

Local testing with Kubernetes

Writing a smoke test

Running the test


Installing Telepresence

Running a local link service via Telepresence

Attaching to the local link service with GoLand for live debugging

Isolating tests

Test clusters

Cluster per developer

Dedicated clusters for system tests

Test namespaces

Writing multi-tenant systems

Cross namespace/cluster

End-to-end testing

Acceptance testing

Regression testing

Performance testing

Managing test data

Synthetic data

Manual test data

Production snapshot


Further reading

Deploying Microservices

Technical requirements

The code

Kubernetes deployments

Deploying to multiple environments

Understanding deployment strategies

Recreating deployment

Rolling updates

Blue-green deployment

Adding deployment – the blue label

Updating the link-manager service to match blue pods only

Prefixing the description of each link with [green]

Bumping the version number

Letting CircleCI build the new image

Deploying the new (green) version

Updating the link-manager service to use the green deployment

Verifying that the service now uses the green pods to serve requests

Canary deployments

Employing a basic canary deployment for Delinkcious

Using canary deployments for A/B testing

Rolling back deployments

Rolling back standard Kubernetes deployments

Rolling back blue-green deployments

Rolling back canary deployments

Dealing with a rollback after a schema, API, or payload change

Managing versions and dependencies

Managing public APIs

Managing cross-service dependencies

Managing third-party dependencies

Managing your infrastructure and toolchain

Local development deployments







Further reading

Monitoring, Logging, and Metrics

Technical requirements

The code

Self-healing with Kubernetes

Container failures

Node failure

Systemic failures

Autoscaling a Kubernetes cluster

Horizontal pod autoscaling

Using the horizontal pod autoscaler

Cluster autoscaling

Vertical pod autoscaling

Provisioning resources with Kubernetes

What resources should you provision?

Defining container limits

Specifying resource quotas

Manual provisioning

Utilizing autoscaling

Rolling your own automated provisioning

Getting performance right

Performance and user experience

Performance and high availability

Performance and cost

Performance and security


What should you log?

Logging versus error reporting

The quest for the perfect Go logging interface

Logging with Go-kit

Setting up a logger with Go-kit

Using a logging middleware

Centralized logging with Kubernetes

Collecting metrics on Kubernetes

Introducing the Kubernetes metrics API

Understanding the Kubernetes metrics server

Using Prometheus

Deploying Prometheus into the cluster

Recording custom metrics from Delinkcious


Embracing component failure

Grudgingly accepting system failure

Taking human factors into account

Warnings versus alerts

Considering severity levels

Determining alert channels

Fine-tuning noisy alerts

Utilizing the Prometheus alert manager

Configuring alerts in Prometheus

Distributed tracing

Installing Jaeger

Integrating tracing into your services


Further reading

Service Mesh - Working with Istio

Technical requirements

The code

What is a service mesh?

Comparing monoliths to microservices

Using a shared library to manage the cross-cutting concerns of microservices

Using a service mesh to manage the cross-cutting concerns of microservices

Understanding the relationship between Kubernetes and a service mesh

What does Istio bring to the table?

Getting to know the Istio architecture






Managing traffic with Istio

Routing requests

Load balancing

Handling failures

Injecting faults for testing

Doing canary deployments

Securing your cluster with Istio

Understanding Istio identity

Authenticating users with Istio

Authorizing requests with Istio

Enforcing policies with Istio

Collecting metrics with Istio

When should you avoid Istio?

Delinkcious on Istio

Removing mutual authentication between services

Utilizing better canary deployments

Automatic logging and error reporting

Accommodating NATS

Examining the Istio footprint

Alternatives to Istio

Linkerd 2.0


HashiCorp Consul

AWS App Mesh


The no mesh option


Further reading

The Future of Microservices and Kubernetes

The future of microservices

Microservices versus serverless functions

Microservices, containers, and orchestration

gRPC and gRPC-Web


HTTP/3 is coming

The future of Kubernetes

Kubernetes extensibility

Abstracting the container runtime

Abstracting networking

Abstracting storage

The cloud provider interface

Service mesh integration

Serverless computing on Kubernetes

Kubernetes and VMs



Kata containers

Cluster autoscaling

Using operators



Further reading

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