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作       者:耿云江

出  版  社:人民邮电出版社


字       数:31.7万

所属分类: 教育 > 大中专教材 > 研究生/本科/专科教材



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  • 读书简介
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内 容 提 要 本书以提高英语的应用能力为导向,对财务会计的基本知识做了详细介绍,同时涉及成本会计、管理会计、审计等内容。全书共10章,主要内容包括会计概述、会计循环、财务报表、流动资产、非流动资产、负债、所有者权益、收、费用、成本会计等。同时,每章还配有学习目标、听力音频、知识拓展、关键术语、复习讨论题、练习题、参考译文等。 本书不仅可以作为高等院校会计学、财务管理、审计等专业的教材,也可以作为财务会计人员、管理人员的自学用书。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>本书注重知识体系的完整,突出会计英语实践能力和应用技能的培养,并注重教学内容和教材结构的创新。由于本书具有知识系统、内容翔实、案例丰富、贴近实际、突出实用性、通俗易懂、便于学习等特,<br/>【作者】<br/>耿云江 2002年4月至今任教东北财经大学会计学院,主要讲授管理会计、Financial Statement Analysis,会计英语等。参编高级财务管理、管理会计、公司理财等教材多部。<br/>



Chapter 1 Overview of Accounting

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

1.1 Accounting and Accounting Profession

1.1.1 Ethics

1.1.2 Accounting Function

1.1.3 Accounting Information Users

1.1.4 Accounting Profession

1.2 Accounting Assumptions

1.2.1 Business Entity

1.2.2 Going-concern

1.2.3 Monetary Unit

1.2.4 Time Period

1.3 Accounting Principles

1.3.1 Accrual Basis

1.3.2 Historical Cost

1.3.3 Realization

1.3.4 Matching

1.3.5 Full Disclosure

1.4 Quality Characteristics of Accounting Information

1.4.1 Relevance

1.4.2 Reliability

1.4.3 Comparability

1.4.4 Materiality

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 2 Accounting Cycle

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

2.1 Accounting Equation and Double-entry Accounting

2.1.1 Accounting Equation

2.1.2 Double-entry System

2.2 Accounting Cycle

2.3 Journals

2.4 Ledgers

2.5 Adjusting

2.5.1 Prepaid Expenses

2.5.2 Accrued Expenses

2.5.3 Accrued Revenues

2.5.4 Unearned Revenues

2.6 Closing Process

2.6.1 Temporary and Permanent Accounts

2.6.2 Posting Closing Entries

2.7 Trial Balance

2.7.1 Steps in Preparing a Trial Balance

2.7.2 Searching For and Correcting Errors

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 3 Financial Statements

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

3.1 Balance Sheet

3.1.1 Components of Balance Sheet

3.1.2 Form of Balance Sheet

3.2 Income Statement

3.2.1 Components of Income Statement

3.2.2 Form of Income Statement

3.3 Cash Flow Statement

3.3.1 Components of Cash Flow Statement

3.3.2 Preparation of Cash Flow Statement

3.4 Statement of Changes in Equity

3.4.1 Components of Statement of Changes in Equity

3.4.2 Preparation of Statement of Changes in Equity

3.5 Notes to Financial Statements

3.5.1 Accounting Policy

3.5.2 Financial Instruments

3.5.3 Related Party Transactions

3.5.4 Contingencies

3.5.5 Subsequent Events

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 4 Current Assets

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

4.1 Monetary Capital

4.1.1 Cash

4.1.2 Management of Cash-bank Reconciliation

4.1.3 Internal Control Over Cash

4.1.4 Petty Cash Fund

4.1.5 Cash Over and Short

4.2 Receivables

4.2.1 Classification of Receivables

4.2.2 Bad Debts

4.2.3 Estimation of Bad Debts

4.3 Inventories

4.3.1 Inventory System

4.3.2 Cost of Inventory Acquired

4.3.3 Ending Inventory Valuation

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 5 Non-current Assets

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

5.1 Fixed Assets

5.1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Fixed Assets

5.1.2 Classification of Fixed Assets

5.1.3 Costs of Fixed Assets

5.1.4 Post-Acquisition Expenditures

5.1.5 Depreciation and Impairment

5.1.6 Disposals of Fixed Assets

5.2 Intangible Assets

5.2.1 Definition and Characteristics of Intangible Assets

5.2.2 Main Categories of Intangible Assets

5.2.3 Recognition and Measurement of Intangible Assets

5.2.4 Post-Acquisition Measurement

5.2.5 Disposals of Intangible Assets

5.3 Investments

5.3.1 Objectives of Investment

5.3.2 Types of Securities

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 6 Liabilities and Owner's Equity

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

6.1 Current Liabilities

6.1.1 Definition of Current Liabilities

6.1.2 Accounts Payable

6.1.3 Short-term Notes Payable

6.1.4 Unearned Revenue

6.1.5 Short-term Borrowings

6.1.6 Accrued Liabilities

6.1.7 Dividend Payable

6.1.8 Current Portion of Long-term Obligation

6.2 Non-Current Liabilities

6.2.1 Long-Term Borrowings

6.2.2 Bonds Payable

6.2.3 Long-Term Notes Payable

6.2.4 Pension Plans

6.3 Types of Organization

6.3.1 Sole Proprietorship

6.3.2 Partnership

6.3.3 Corporation

6.4 Owner's Equity

6.4.1 Rights of Stockholders

6.4.2 Retained Earnings

6.4.3 Dividend

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 7 Revenue and Expense

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

7.1 Revenue

7.1.1 Definition of Revenue

7.1.2 The Earning Process of Revenue

7.1.3 Recognition of Revenue

7.2 Expense

7.2.1 Definition of Expense

7.2.2 Cost VS Expense

7.2.3 Recognition of Expense

7.2.4 Specific Expense Items

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 8 Cost Accounting

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

8.1 Overview of Cost Accounting

8.1.1 Definition of Cost Accounting

8.1.2 Features of Cost Accounting

8.1.3 Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Cost Accounting

8.1.4 Cost Classifications

8.2 Costing Method

8.2.1 Job-Order Costing

8.2.2 Process Costing

8.2.3 Activity Based Costing

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 9 Management Accounting

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

9.1 Introduction to Management Accounting

9.1.1 Definition of Management Accounting

9.1.2 Comparison of Financial and Management Accounting

9.1.3 Functions of Management Accounting

9.2 Cost Behavior

9.2.1 Variable Cost

9.2.2 Fixed Cost

9.2.3 Mixed Cost

9.3 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

9.3.1 Basic Concept of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

9.3.2 Break-Even Analysis

9.3.3 Target Profit Analysis

9.4 Budget and Performance Evaluation

9.4.1 Budget

9.4.2 Performance Evaluation

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 10 Audit

Listening Online

Learning Objectives

10.1 Introduction to Audit

10.1.1 Definition of Audit

10.1.2 Types of Audit

10.1.3 Types of Auditors

10.1.4 Componets of Audit Report

10.2 Audit Procedure

10.2.1 Management Assertions

10.2.2 Identify Audit Objectives

10.2.3 Carry Out Audit Specifically

10.3 Internal Control

10.3.1 Definition of Internal Control

10.3.2 Development History of Internal Control

10.3.3 Elements of Internal Control

Key Terminologies

Review and Discussion Questions



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