


The Savage Years: Tales From the 20th Century电子书

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作       者:Rupert Colley

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:31.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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20th Century War and Misery.The suicide of Hitler’s niece, the assassinations of Malcolm X and Franz Ferdinand, the Battle of the Somme and Stalingrad, and the betrayal of Anne Frank – these are some of the stories you’ll find in Rupert Colley’s new collection of articles, The Savage Years: Tales From the 20th Century.?Covering World War One, World War Two, the Cold War, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and much more besides, immerse yourself in sixty stories from some of the key moments of modern (and a few not so modern) history.?Fully illustrated with 140 photos, this makes perfect reading for commuters, students or the curious.?A paperback version of this title is also available – an ideal birthday present for those who love a bit of war and misery.?Within?The Savage Years: Tales From the 20th Century, you’ll also meet Vladimir Lenin, Douglas Haig, Horst Wessel, Nikolai Bukharin, Fritz Haber, Joseph Goebbels, Joseph McCarthy, Rudolph Hess, Stalin’s mother and daughter, Leon Trotsky, Edith Cavell, Charles de Gaulle, Wilhelm II, Abraham Lincoln, Grigori Rasputin, and many, many more.?

Title Page


21 January 1924, the Death of Vladimir Lenin

23 January 1930, the Birth of Tanya Savicheva, young victim of the Leningrad Siege

27 January, Holocaust Memorial Day: The ‘Jews Out’ Board Game

29 January 1928, the Death of Douglas Haig

30 January 1933, Hitler appointed Chancellor

30 January 1945, the Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, the Worst Maritime Disaster In History

2 February 1943, the Germans Surrender at the Battle of Stalingrad

13 February 1945, the Bombing of Dresden

21 February 1965, the Assassination of Malcolm X

23 February 1930, the Making of a Nazi Martyr, Horst Wessel

27 February 1881, the Death of the Cleverest General, Sir George Pomeroy Colley

27 February 1933, the Reichstag Fire

8 March 1655, John Casor becomes the ‘first legally-recognised slave’

15 March 1938, the Execution of Nikolai Bukharin

21 March 1960, the Sharpeville Massacre

10 April 1971, Ping Pong Diplomacy During the Cold War

22 April 1915, Fritz Haber and the First Successful Gas Attack

30 April 1945, the Death of Hitler

1 May 1945, the Suicide of Joseph Goebbels, the not-so-great German novelist

2 May 1957, the Death of the Great Communist Witch Hunter, Joseph McCarthy

3 May 1975, the Death of Dmitri Bystrolyotov, Stalin’s Romeo Spy

6 May 1937, the Hindenburg Disaster

9 May 1946, the Abdication of Italy’s Victor Emmanuel III

10 May 1857, the start of the Indian Mutiny

10 May 1941, Rudolph Hess arrives in Scotland

24 May 1941, the Sinking of HMS Hood

4 June 1937, the Death of Ekaterina Dzhugashvili, Stalin’s mother

16 June 1953, the start of the East German Uprising

16 June 1958, the Execution of Imre Nagy

18 June 1974, the Death of Georgy Zhukov

20 June 1756, the Black Hole of Calcutta

22 June 1940, France Surrenders

22 June 1941, Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa, Germany’s Invasion of Russia

28 June 1914, the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

30 June 1934, the Night of the Long Knives

1 July 1916, the First Day of the Battle of the Somme

4 August 1944, the Betrayal of Anne Frank

9 August 1942, the Greatest Performance: The Leningrad Symphony

19 August 1969, the East German Athlete Who Made a Dash for Freedom‏

20 August 1968, the USSR Invades Czechoslovakia

21 August 1940, the Assassination of Leon Trotsky

30 August 1918, Fanny Kaplan Tries to Kill Lenin

31 August 1939, World War Two’s first death

18 September 1931, the Suicide of Geli Raubal, Hitler’s niece

12 October 1915, the Execution of British Nurse, Edith Cavell

15 October 1946, the Suicide of Hermann Goring

20 October 1952, the Start of the Mau Mau Uprising

23 October 1956, the Start of the Hungarian Revolution

27 October 1962, the Height of the Cuban Missile Crisis

30 October 1979, the death of Rachele Mussolini

8 November 1939, Georg Elser Almost Assassinates Hitler

9 November 1970, the Death of Charles de Gaulle

10 November 1918, the Abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II

19 November 1863, Lincoln Delivers the Gettysburg Address

22 November 2011, the Death of Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s Daughter

Winston Churchill, born 30 November 1874, and the First World War

7 December 1941, Pearl Harbor, the Day of Infamy

23 December 1953, the Execution of Lavrenty Beria

23 December 1948, the Execution of Hideki Tojo

30 December 1916, the Assassination of Grigori Rasputin

Selected Bibliography

Other works by Rupert Colley | Other Works by Rupert Colley | FREE DOWNLOAD | This Time Tomorrow, Part One of the Searight Saga | This Time Tomorrow, Part One of the Searight Saga

Fiction | Boxed Sets | Non-Fiction | History In An Hour | Clever Teens’ Guides

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