


Inside HBO's Game of Thrones - Seasons 1 & 2电子书

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作       者:Cogman, Bryan

出  版  社:Chronicle Books LLC


字       数:18.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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HBO's Game of Thrones reigns as cable's highest-rated series. This official companion book gives fans new ways to enter this fictional world and discover more about the beloved (and reviled) characters and the electrifying plotlines. Hundreds of set photos, production and costume designs, storyboards, and insider stories reveal how the show's creators translated George R. R. Martin's best-selling fantasy series into the world of Westeros. Featuring interviews with key actors and crew members that capture the best scripted and unscripted moments from the first two seasons, as well as a preface by George R. R. Martin, this special volume offers exclusive access to this unprecedented television series.


Title Page


Preface: From Page to Screen by George R. R. Martin

Foreword: Seven Questions with David Benioff and D. B. Weiss

I The Wall

White Walkers: A Brief History

The Prologue: Episode 101: “Winter Is Coming”

The Night’s Watch: A Brief History

Designing the Wall and Castle Black

Costuming The Night’s Watch

Jon Snow

Samwell Tarly

Beyond the Wall

II Winterfell

House Stark: A Brief History

Creating Winterfell

Costuming Winterfell

Eddard “Ned” Stark

Catelyn Stark

Robb Stark

Sansa, Arya, and Bran

III King’s Landing

King’s Landing: A Brief History

Creating King’s Landing

The Iron Throne

IV Westeros

House Greyjoy: A Brief History

Creating Pyke

Theon Greyjoy

House Arryn: A Brief History

Creating the Eyrie

The Riverlands: A Brief History

Dragonstone: A Brief History

Creating Dragonstone

Stannis Baratheon


Davos Seaworth

V Essos

Essos: A Brief History

Creating Essos

House Targaryen: A Brief History

Daenerys Targaryen

Costuming Dany

Viserys Targaryen

The Crowning of Viserys: Episode 106: “A Golden Crown”

Jorah Mormont

Khal Drogo

Creating the Dothraki Language

The Birth of Dragons: Episode 110: “Fire and Blood”

Qarth & the Red Waste

Costuming Qarth

Behind the Scenes

A Game of Pranks

Epilogue: Reflections on Game of Thrones

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