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作       者:中国石油化工集团公司

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:9.3万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 其他



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《石油化工塔器设计规范(英文版 SH/T 3098-2011)》规定了石油化工钢制塔式容器(以下简称塔器)的选材、设计以及设计对制造、检验和验收等方面的要求。 《石油化工塔器设计规范(英文版 SH/T 3098-2011)》的主要技术内容是:塔器的设计基础、选材原则、设计计算、结构设计及其设计对制造、检验和验收的要求。 《石油化工塔器设计规范(英文版 SH/T 3098-2011)》适用于设计压力不大于35MPa,高度大于10m、且高度与直径之比大于5的以裙座自支承的塔器的设计。<br/>




1 Scope

2 Normative References

3 Terms and Definitions

4 Design Basis

4.1 Design Pressure

4.2 Design Temperature

4.3 Design Loads

4.4 Additions to the Thickness

4.5 Minimum Thickness

4.6 Allowable Stress

5 Materials

5.1 General Principles for Material Selection

5.2 Pressure Part

5.3 Non-Pressure Part

5.4 Skirts

5.5 Anchor Bolts

5.6 Welding Materials

6 Design Calculations

6.1 Strength and Stability Calculations for Column

6.2 Calculations of Wind Load and Seismic Load

6.3 Calculations for Equivalent Design Pressure of Girth Flanges

6.4 Strength Calculations for Tray Floors and Support Beams

6.5 Strength Calculations for Packing Support Grids and Packing Support Beams

6.6 Local Stress in Column Shells

7 Structural Design

7.1 Main Parts in Column and Their Descriptions

7.2 Column Shells

7.3 Skirts and Anchor Bolt Chairs

7.4 Manholes and Handholes

7.5 Nozzles

7.6 Opening Reinforcement

7.7 Trays

7.8 Packing,Packing Support and Stoppers

7.9 Column Bottom Partitions

7.10 Impingement Baffles

7.11 Vortex Breakers

7.12 Gas Outlet Baffles and Wire Mesh Demisters

7.13 Internal Ladders

7.14 Hot(Cold)Insulation Support Rings

7.15 Fireproofing for Skirts

7.16 Top Davits

7.17 Lifting Lugs

7.18 Earth Lugs

7.19 Platforms and Ladders for Columns

7.20 Nameplates and Nameplate Brackets

8 Fabrication,Inspection and Acceptance

8.1 General Requirernents

8.2 Dimension Tolerances

8.3 Perpendicularity Tolerances of Column

8.4 Positional and Dimensional Deviation for Trays

8.5 Installation Flatness Tolerances for Packing Support Rings

8.6 Non-destructive Testing

8.7 Post Weld Heat Treatment(PWHT)for Stress Relief

8.8 Column Assembled on-site with Sections and Segments

Appendix A(Normative) Undertolerance of Commonly Used Steels

Appendix B(Informative) Mass Estimates for Platforms,Vertical Ladders and Trays

Appendix C(Informative) Bulk Density of Commonly Used Packing

Appendix D(Informative) Controlled Values of Deflection at Top of Column

Appendix E(Informative) Packing Support Rings and Support Clips

Appendix F(Informative) Precautions against Failure of Column due to Across-Wind Resonance

Explanation of Wording in This Code

Explanation of Provision

1 Scope

4 Design Basis

4.1 Design Pressure

4.2 Design Temperature

4.3 Design Loads

4.4 Additions to the Thickness

4.5 Minimum Thickness

4.6 Allowable Stress

5 Materials

5.4 Skirts

6 Design Calculations

6.2 Calculations of Wind Load and Seismic Load

6.4 Strength Calculations for Tray Floors and Support Beams

6.5 Strength Calculations for Packing Support Grids and Packing Support Beams

6.6 Local Stress in Column Shells

7 Structural Design

7.6 Opening Reinforcement

7.7 Trays

7.8 Packing,Packing Support and Stoppers

7.11 Vortex Breakers

7.15 Fireproofing for Skirts

7.17 Lifting Lugs

7.18 Earth Lugs

7.19 Platforms and Ladders for Columns

7.20 Nameplates and Nameplate Brackets

8 Fabrication,Inspection and Acceptance

Appendix F(Informative) Precautions against Failure of Column due to Across-Wind Resonance

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