


GB 50996-2014 地下水封石洞油库施工及验收规范(英文版)电子书

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作       者:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:14.3万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 其他



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  • 读书简介
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本规范共分20章和2个附录,主要技术内容包括:总则,术语,基本规定,施工准备,施工测量,地质预报,明槽、明洞和洞口段,开挖,装卸渣与运输,支护,水幕系统,竖井施工,注浆,通风防尘与供风、供水、供电,排水,竖井设备及管道安装,铺砌和封塞,监控量测,安全、环境和健康,交工验收等。 本规范适用于储存原油及成品油等地下水封石洞油库工程的施工和验收。


Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General provisions

2 Terms

3 Basic requirements

4 Construction preparations

4.1 Construction investigation

4.2 Technical preparations

4.3 Sites and temporary works

4.4 Materials preparation

5 Construction survey

5.1 General requirements

5.2 Ground surface control survey

5.3 Underground control survey

5.4 Cross-section survey

5.5 Breakthrough survey

5.6 Storage capacity survey

6 Geological prediction

7 Open channels,open tunnels and tunnel portal sections

7.1 Open channels

7.2 Open tunnels

7.3 Tunnel portal section

7.4 Quality acceptance

8 Excavation

8.1 General requirements

8.2 Excavation methods

8.3 Drilling and blasting

8.4 Quality acceptance

9 Muck loading,unloading and transportation

9.1 General requirements

9.2 Muck loading,unloading and transportation

9.3 Quality acceptance

10 Supporting

10.1 General requirements

10.2 Anchor bolts and cables

10.3 Shotcrete

10.4 Metal meshes

10.5 Steel arches

10.6 Lining

10.7 Pre-consolidation

10.8 Quality acceptance

11 Water curtain system

11.1 General requirements

11.2 Construction

11.3 Water supply to water curtain system

11.4 Quality acceptance

12 Shaft construction

12.1 General requirements

12.2 Excavation

12.3 Supporting

12.4 Quality acceptance

13 Grouting

13.1 General requirements

13.2 Grouting operations

13.3 Grouting effect inspection

13.4 Quality acceptance

14 Ventilation,dust control,compressed-air supply,water supply and power supply

14.1 Ventilation and dust control

14.2 Compressed-air supply

14.3 Water supply

14.4 Power supply

15 Drainage

15.1 General requirements

15.2 Construction

16 Shaft equipment and pipeline installation

16.1 General requirements

16.2 Shaft lifting system

16.3 Fabrication and installation of shaft steel structure

16.4 Coating work

16.5 Installation of anchor plate,casing pipe support and shaft-bottom cylinder

16.6 Welding,lifting and installation of casing pipe

16.7 Installation of inner pipe,pump and auxiliary devices

16.8 Quality acceptance

17 Paving and plugging

17.1 Paving

17.2 Plugging

17.3 Quality acceptance

18 Monitoring and measurement

18.1 General requirements

18.2 Measurement items and methods

18.3 Processing and feedback of measurement data

19 Safety,environment and health

20 Project delivery and acceptance

20.1 General requirements

20.2 Division of construction quality acceptance units

20.3 Project construction quality acceptance

20.4 Procedure and organization of project construction quality acceptance

Appendix A Main construction methods of underground water-sealing storage cavern

Appendix B Test and water supply of water curtain system

Explanation of wording in this code

List of quoted standards

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