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作       者:汪榕培, 潘智丹译

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:7.3万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 文化 > 中国文化



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本书为我社全英文版"中国经典文化走向文化丛书"诗歌卷之一,即《英译诗经国风》的英文部分。本书包含160首"国风"诗歌,即来自周南、召南等周朝十五个地区的民歌,其中有"关关雎鸠""坎坎伐檀"等名篇。汪榕培先生给出了高水平的英译,他的译诗充分采用了英美诗歌的创作方式,兼顾音步、格律和押韵,把两千多年前的中国诗歌转换成了晓畅易懂的现代英语韵律诗。希望本书能为"中国经典文化走向文化丛书"增添丰富多彩的文体和内容,为推广中国文化做出贡献。    <br/>



The Cooing

The Ramee

The Cocklebur

A Bending Tree

The Locust

The Beautiful Peach

The Hunting Net

The Plantain Seeds

The Wide Han

The Ford

The Kylin

The Magpie’s Nest

Wormwood Leaves

The Grasshopper

Picking Duckweed

The Birch-Leaf Pear

Roadside Dew

The Lamb

The Rumbling Thunder

The Plums

Little Stars

The River Branch

A Dead Doe

Why So Pretentious?

The Forester

The Cypress Boat

The Green Coat

Two Swallows

The Sun and the Moon

The Wind

Drum Beating

The Southern Breeze

The Cock-Pheasants

The Gourd

The Mountain Gales

A Wretched State

The Mound

The Court Dancer

Spring Water

The Northern Gate

The Northern Wind

A Quiet Maiden

The New Terrace

Two Youths Drift in a Boat

The Cypress Boat

Thistles on the Wall

A Life Companion

Amid the Mulberries

Quails and Magpies

Builder’s Star

Red Sky

The Mice

The Flags

The Gallop

The River Bay

The Cabin

The Beauty

My Man

The Bamboo Rods

The Wisteria

The Wide River

My Husband

The Fox Coat

A Quince

The Millet

Serving the King


The River Waters


The Rabbits

The Ramee Vine

Gathering Ramee

Grand Chariots

The Hemp

The Black Robe


The Hunter

The Elder Hunter

The Soldiers

The Lambskin Coat

Along the Way

The Cock Crows

Ride with a Maiden

The Mulberry Trees

Fallen Leaves

The Elf

The Wade


The East Gate

The Storm

The Blue Collar

The River Waters

Off the East Gate

The Creeping Grass

The Rivers

The Cock Has Crowed


The Lobby

The Sun in the East

Before Dawn

The Southern Hill

The Vast Field

The Hound

The Broken Net

The Swift Drive

The Archer

Ramee Sandals

The Fen River

The Garden Peach

The Climb

Inside the Plots

Cutting the Sandalwood

The Field Voles

The Crickets

The Thorn-Elm

The River Waters

The Pepper-Plant

Bundled Firewood

The Birch-Leaf Pear Tree

The Lamb Skin

The Bustards

Without a Robe

A Birch-Leaf Pear Tree

The Ramee Vine

Plucking Licorice

The Crunching

Four Irongreys

The Small Chariot

The Reeds

Mount Zhongnan

The Siskin

The Falcon

Without Coats

North of the Wei

Golden Old Days

Wanqiu Hill

White Elms

The Wooden Gates

The Moat

The Poplars

The City Gate

The Magpie Nest

The Moonrise


The Lakeshore

The Lamb’s Fur

The Plain Cap

The Carambola

The Wind

The Mayfly

The Escort Man

The Cuckoo

Spring Waters

Month Seven

The Owl

The Eastern Hill

Broken Battle-Axes

Cutting the Haft

The Meshes

The Wolf

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