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作       者:汪榕培 译

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:4.5万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 文化 > 中国文化



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本书为我社全英文版"中国经典文化走向文化丛书"诗歌卷之一,即《英译乐府诗精华》的英文部分。本书包含100多首汉魏乐府诗,题材多样,如经典的《有所思》《上邪》《十五从军征》,还有长诗如《孔雀东南飞》《木兰诗》等,代表了汉魏乐府诗的风采。译者汪榕培先生在翻译中力求传神达意,以流畅的当代英语艺术再现乐府诗的神韵,给出了兼顾格律、音步和韵脚的优秀译文。    <br/>



The Ibis

Outside the Town We Fought

Mount Wushan Stands Tall

My Beloved Man

Oh Heaven Above!

Don’t Cross the River

The South of the Yangtze River

The Dews on the Scallions

The Roadside Mulberries

Song of the Tiger

Watering the Horses

Song of Hoary-hair Love

Song of Regret

A Prelude

A Sad Song

The Dried Fish Weeps

Song of the Dates

I Drive My Carriage

Frail, Frail a Bamboo

Green, Green Grows the Cypress

Far, Far Away

She Went to Pick Sweet Herbs

Song of Wheat-planting

A Pair of Peacocks

At Fifteen I Left

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Seasonal Song

Zi-ye’s Love Song (Alternate Version)

Zi-ye’s Love Song (Alternate Version)

Grand Song of Zi-ye

Grand Song of Zi-ye

Song of Worries

Song of Worries

Song of Worries

At the Foot of Mount Huashan

At the Foot of Mount Huashan

At the Foot of Mount Huashan

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

The Humming Song

Song in the Shangsheng Tune

Song to My Lover (Alternate Version)

Song to My Lover (Alternate Version)

Song from the Front Creek

Song from the Front Creek

Song of General Ding

Song of General Ding

The Tune of Xiaogu on the Qingxi Creek

The Tune of West Bar

The Crows Fly at Night (The West Tune)

The Changgan Song

Song of Mo Chou

The Nake Strands

The Border Song

The Border Song

The Border Song

Song of the King of Langya

Song of the King of Langya

Song of the King of Langya

Song of the King of Langya

Song of the Mauve Horse

Song of the Mauve Horse

Song of Women in Sorrow

Song of Women in Sorrow

Song of Women in Sorrow

Twittering Sparrows’ Song

Murong Chui’s Song

Murong Chui’s Song

Murong Chui’s Song

Song of the Longshan Waters

Song of the Captive

Song of the Captive

Song of Women

Song of Women

Song of Women

Song of Women

Breaking the Willow

Breaking the Willow

Breaking the Willow

Breaking the Willow

Song of the Guest from Youzhou

Song of Breaking the Willow

Song of Breaking the Willow

Song of Breaking the Willow

The Song of Lovers

Song of Mount Longshan

Song of Mount Longshan

Song of Mount Longshan

Song of Musicians in Gaoyang

Song of Musicians in Gaoyang

The Mulan Ballad

Song from the Town of Long

Song of Li Bo’s Younger Sister

The Chile Song

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