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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:卓振英编著

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:4.9万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 文化 > 中国文化



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The Southland in Spring

Pride of the Fisherman

Temple Music

Bells in the Rain

Watching the Sea Tide

An Eight-Beat Song of Ganzhou

Buddhist Dance

The Lily Magnolia

The Jade Tower in Spring

Rinsing Yarn in the Brook

The Butterfly Fluttering around the Flowers

Hawthorns in the Wilderness

Waves Washing the Sand

The Return of Ruan the Native

Fragrant Is the Cassia Twig

The Jade Tower in Spring

Immortals over the River

The Diviner

Buddhist Dance

Prelude to Melody of Flowing Waters

The Riverside Town

Charming Is Niannu

The Butterfly Fluttering around the Flowers

The Riverside Town

Yearning for the South

Immortals over the River

Partridges in the Sky

Taming the Waves and Winds

Celebrating Peace and Order

Immortals on the Magpie Bridge

Walking on Grassland

The Half-dead Parasol

Life Journey Is Full of Perils

Rinsing Yarn in the Brook

The Butterfly Fluttering around the Flowers

Temple Music

Yu the Beauty

A Blessing at Hand

Yanshan Pavilion

Liuyao Melody

Beats Slowing Down

Tipsy in the Shade of Flowers

A Dreamy Strain

In Memory of the Belle of Qin

A Twig of Plum Flowers

Pride of the Fisherman

The Lily Magnolia (A Simplified Version)

Spring in Wuling

Pride of the Fisherman

The River All Red

The Butterfly Fluttering around the Flowers

Charming Eyes

Partridges in the Sky

Partridges in the Sky

Phoenix Hairpin

Relating Heartfelt Aspirations

Immortals on the Magpie Bridge

Immortals on the Magpie Bridge

Immortals on the Magpie Bridge

The Diviner

Charming Is Niannu

Partridges in the Sky

Rinsing Yarn in the Brook

Buddhist Dance

The Desk of Green Jade

The Moon over the West River

The Joy of Lasting Acquaintanceship

Fumbling for Fish

Undermining the Battle Array

Celebrating Peace and Order

Hawthorns in the Wilderness

Prelude to Melody of Flowing Waters

Charming Is Niannu

Song of Yangzhou with a Slow Rhythm

Urging Spring to Stay

Celebrating Peace and Order

Congratulations to the Bridegroom

Green Are the Willow Twigs

Celebrating Peace and Order

Libation to the Moon over the Rill

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