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8人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:李向平著,傅惠生译

出  版  社:上海外语教育出版社


字       数:42.8万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 文化 > 中国文化



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汉文大藏经的形成,与中华传统的思想文化背景有着密切深厚的关系。它是中国佛教以及受着中国佛教影响之下的文化产物。它形成的历史,实际上就是中国人受佛教、改造佛教,以构建本土文化信仰的精神历程。举凡中国的哲学、伦理、政治、历史、文学、艺术、天文、历算、民族、语言、建筑、风俗、中外文化交流等等方面,佛教的影响举足轻重。 一部汉文大藏经,中华文化的渊薮。离了对于汉文大藏经的理解和把握,则难以真正领会中国文化及其信仰。<br/>



The Tripitaka in Chinese: Blend and Crystallization of Chinese Culture and the Foreign Culture

Chapter One Translation, Introduction and Composition of the Buddhist Sutras

1. The History of Translation and Exposition of The Tripitaka in Chinese

1) The Phase of Accumulation

2) The Phase of Formation

3) The Phase of Systemization of the Structure

4) The Phase of the Systematic Unity

2. The Block-Printing and Formation of The Tripitaka in Chinese

3. The Catalogues and Structure of The Tripitaka in Chinese

Chapter Two Exposition of the Buddhist Classics and the Faith

1. The Breathing Sutra and the Beginning of Acceptance of the Buddhist Faith

2. The Prajna Sutra and the Metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

3. The Nirvana Sutra and the Nirvana Faith in the Southern and Northern Dynasties

4. The Worship of “the Dharma Treasure” and Its Social Infiltration

1) The Imperial Politics and The Tripitaka

2) Moral Concern and The Tripitaka

3) Cultural Faith and The Tripitaka

Chapter Three The Chinese Buddhist Writings and Sinicization of Buddhism

1. The Combination of the Translation and Introduction of Buddhist Classics and the Religious Construction

2. The Classics as the Foundation for the Establishment of the Schools and Sects of Chinese Buddhism

3. The Chinese Buddhist Works and the Rise and Decline of the Chan Sect

4. The Buddhist Tradition and the Prosperity of the Principlism

5. The Social Characteristics after the Mergence of Con fucianism and Buddhism

Chapter Four Changes of the Tradition in the Rise and Fall of Buddha-Nature

1. The Contradiction Between “Pursuit of Learning and Inquiry” and “Veneration of Buddha-Nature”

2. The Academic Spirit of Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty and His Perplexities

3. The Modern Buddhism Restrained by the Development of Confucianism

4. Renaissance of the Study of Consciousness Only at the End of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter Five The East Spread of the Western Learning and the Modern Buddhism

1. “Abandonment of Buddhism and Supplementation of Confucianism” and the Traditional Buddhist Thought and Standpoint

1) From a Western Buddhist to a Western Confucian: Policy Changes of Catholics in the Eastern Spread

2) The Standpoint of Thought and Cultural Complex of the Evil-Refuters

2. The First Conflicts Between “Catholicism” and “Buddhism”

1) Immateriality of the Nature of All Things and God’s Creation of All and the World

2) The Concept of Soul, and Retribution and Transmigration

3) The Doctrine of Enlightenment and the Theory of the Original Sin

3. Strange Combination of Dislocation of Standpoints and Politico-Religious Relation

Chapter Six The Buddhist Tradition in the Social Transformation

1. The Modern Pattern of the Buddhist Classical Texts

2. Modern Interpretation of the Only-Consciousness Philosophy

3. The Pursuit of Values in the Modern Society

1) The Value Backing of the Social Ideals

2) The Rational Transcendental Spirit of Self-Reliance to Attain the Truth

Main References


I. Bibliography

II. Glossary

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