材料介紹|Cook ing I ngre die nts
鹹蛋蒸肉餅|Steamed Meat Patty with Salted Egg
冬菇馬蹄蒸肉餅|Minced Pork with Mushrooms and Water Chestnuts
生炒排骨|Sweet and Sour Spareribs
上海排骨|Spareribs in Shanghaiese Style
青瓜菠蘿炒排骨|Stir Fried Spareribs with Cucumber and Pineapple
蒜茸豆豉蒸排骨|Steamed Spareribs with Fermented Black Beans and Garlic
酥炸豬扒|Deep Fried Pork Chops
洋葱豬扒|Fried Pork Chops with Onion
咖喱豬扒|Curry Pork Chops
茄汁菠蘿豬扒|Pork Chops with Pineapple in Tomato Sauce
南乳蓮藕燜腩肉|Stewed Pork Belly with Lotus Root and Fermented Tarocurd
冬瓜枝竹燜火腩|Stewed Roast Pork with Winter Melon and Deep Fried Beancurd Stick
馬鈴薯燜腩肉|Stewed Pork Belly with Potatoes
梅菜扣肉|Stewed Pork Belly with Mui Choi
蔬菜雜粒炒肉丁|Stir Fried Diced Meat and Vegetables
蘿蔔肉片炒蒜心|Stir Fried Sliced Meat with Radish and Garlic Stems
番茄馬蹄肉丸|Meat Balls with Tomato and Water Chestnut
咖喱牛腩|Curry Beef Flank
榨菜蒸牛肉|Steamed Beef with Zha Cai
三色甜椒炒牛肉|Stir Fried Beef with Bell Peppers
栗子燜雞|Stewed Chicken with Chestnuts
南瓜燜雞|Stewed Chicken with Pumpkin
腰果西芹雞柳|Stir Fried Chicken Fillet with Celery and Cashew Nuts
酥炸雞翼|Deep Fried Chicken Wings
冬菇雲耳蒸雞中翼|Steamed Chicken Wings with Cloud Ears Fungus and Mushrooms
檸檬雞槌|Lemon Chicken Mallets
蒸滑蛋|Steamed Egg Custard
番茄炒蛋|Stir Fried Tomatoes and Eggs
煎薯仔蛋餅|Fried Shredded Potato and Eggs
叉燒洋葱炒蛋|Stir Fried BBQ Pork with Egg and Onion
粟米龍脷柳|Sole Fillet in Corn Sauce
魚肉春卷|Fish Spring Rolls
蘿蔔炒魚餅|Stir Fried Radish with Shredded Fish Patty
紅蘿蔔芽菜炒魚片|Stir Fried Bean Sprout with Fish Meat and Carrot
沙葛炒魷魚|Stir Fried Yam Bean with Squid
韭黃蛋絲炒蝦球|Stir Fried Shrimp with Egg and Yellow Chives