


Four Seconds电子书

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作       者:Bregman, Peter

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:28.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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All too often our best efforts to accomplish the things we want most to do our jobs well, to make meaningful contributions at home and at work, to have satisfying relationships with loved ones, friends, neighbors, and coworkers are built on bad habits that sabotage us. We feel overwhelmed by our increasingly large to-do list, so we automatically multitask to get more done and end up more stressed and more overloaded. We say something with the hopes of impressing the other person, but instead of end them then spend days trying to repair the damage. We give what we think is a pep talk to our team but they walk away demotivated.How can we be most effective and productive in a world that moves too fast and demands so much of us?In Four Seconds, Peter Bregman shows that the answer is to pause for as few as four seconds the length of a deep breath to replace bad habits and reactions with more productive behaviors. In his trademark style of blending personal anecdotes with practical advice, Bregman reveals some of our most common counter-productive tendencies and describes counter-intuitive strategies for acting more intentionally, including: Why setting goals can actually harm your performance How to use strategic disengagement to recover focus and willpower Why listening not arguing is the best strategy for changing someone's mind How taking responsibility for someone else's failure can actually help you succeed Drawn from Bregman's hugely popular Harvard Business Review blog, this engaging and wise book provides simple solutions to create the results you want without the stress.




Part 1: Change Your Mental Defaults

1. Four Seconds: Pause. Breathe. Course Correct.

2. Why the Pinto Blew Up: Rethink Goal Setting

3. Byron’s Real Problem: Commit to Following Through

4. My First TEDx Talk: Ditch the Urge to Be Perfect

5. It Finally Felt Like Mine: Trust Yourself First

6. Nothing Helped My Tennis Elbow: Stand Back and Do Nothing

7. Everything Is Amazing and No One Is Happy: Accept Reality. Change Expectations.

8. The Value of Drinking Tea: Make Time for Rituals

9. Before Slipping the Kayak into the Water: Prepare Every Day

10. A Lesson from My Wireless Router: Reset Yourself

11. This Is What It Feels Like to . . .: Stop Performing. Start Experiencing.

12. “I Have No Time to Think”: Invest in Unfocused Focus

13. Why I Returned My iPad: Embrace Boredom

14. Dorit’s First-Grade Classroom: Ignore the Inner Critic

15. Carlos’s Double Whammy: Reclaim Your Sweet Spot

16. House Rock Rapid: Imagine the Worst

17. Turn the Boat Toward the Wind: Be Prepared with a Process, Not a Solution

Part 2: Strengthen Your Relationships

18. A Lesson from My Mother-in-Law: Prioritize Relationships

19. The Hardest Part Is After the Speech: Show People Who You Truly Are

20. He Broke Up with Her in a Text: Don’t Let the Package Distract You from the Message

21. I Want to Be Like You When I’m Seventy-Seven: Choose to Be Inspired by People

22. A Lesson from My Mother: Refuse to Write Someone Off

23. The Inescapable Parking Ticket: Walk Away from an Argument

24. Don’t Blame the Dog: Take the Blame Instead

25. Hardware Stores Don’t Sell Milk: Learn Other People’s Rules of Engagement

26. Sophia’s First Powder Day: Meet People Where They Are

27. It Was a Long Shot: Become a Great Receiver

28. A False Start Gets You Disqualified: Empathize First. Help Them Feel Better Later.

29. It’s Not About the Shampoo: Listen for the Unspoken

30. My Best Birthday Ever: Give the Gift of Appreciation

31. Getting a Free Upgrade to First Class: Appeal to People’s Generosity

32. Why Tim Didn’t Get the Promotion: Don’t Skip Your Thank-Yous

33. No: Establish Boundaries with Others

34. Towing Our Neighbor’s Son’s Car: Ask Questions. Don’t Attack Back.

Part 3: Optimize Your Work Habits

35. Hair Salon Leadership: Keep Your Cool

36. George Washington vs. Super Bowl I: See Individuals Individually

37. Complaining with Complainers: Neutralize Negativity

38. The Training Wheels Had to Come Off: Let People Fail—or Almost Fail

39. Are You Ready to Be a Leader?: Support Others’ Success

40. Who Deserves Credit for a Great Movie?: Share the Glory

41. The Chef Who Didn’t Get It: Take Responsibility for Your Colleagues’ Work

42. I’ve Got Too Much to Do . . .: Offer to Do Other People’s Work

43. The Day the Distribution Centers Were Full: Focus on Outcome, Not Process

44. Don’t Bet on Winning the Lottery: Zero In on What Matters to the Organization

45. Ron Drones On and On: Be Helpful Instead of Nice

46. “Actually, There Is Something . . .”: Accept the Gift of Criticism

47. Crying About a Gift: Create a Safe Space for Yourself and Others

48. I Don’t Miss a Thing: Stop Checking E-mail

49. The No-PowerPoint Rule: Embrace the Informal Meeting

50. The Pea Haters Who Ate Peas Like Pea Lovers: Tell Stories to Get Others to Change

51. How Jori Lost Eighty Pounds: Forget Willpower. Restructure Your Environment.





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