


Making the Case电子书

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作       者:Guilfoyle, Kimberly

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:32.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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After an eleven-year-old Kimberly Guilfoyle lost her mother to leukemia, her dad wanted her to become as resilient and self-empowered as she could be. He wisely taught her to build a solid case for the things she wanted. Creating a strong logical argument was the best way to ensure she could always meet her needs. That childhood lesson led her to become the fearless advocate and quick-thinking spitfire she is today. In Making the Case, Guilfoyle interweaves stories and anecdotes from her life and career with practical advice that can help you win arguments, get what you want, help others along the way, and come out ahead in any situation.Learning how to state your case effectively is not just important for lawyers it's something every person should know how to do, no matter what stage of life they are in. From landing her dream job right out of school, switching careers seamlessly midstream, and managing personal finances for greater growth and stability to divorcing amicably and teaching her young child to advocate for himself, Guilfoyle has been there and done it. Now she shares those stories, showing you how to organize your thoughts and plans, have meaningful discussions with the people around you, and achieve your goals in all aspects of your life. You'll also learn the tips and strategies that make the best advocates so successful, some of which come directly from courtroom scenarios where the stakes are highest.Told in her winning and humorous voice, Guilfoyle's experiences and the wisdom drawn from them are a ready guide to help you reach your potential and live a fulfilling and happy life at work and at home.





Part I: Advocating at Work

Chapter 1: How to Land the Best Job in the World (for You)

Chapter 2: Dressing for the Part

Chapter 3: Asking for a Promotion

Chapter 4: Standing Up for Your Ideas

Chapter 5: Working as a Team

Chapter 6: Changing Careers

Chapter 7: Playing by the Rules

Part II: Advocating at Home

Chapter 8: The Power of Friendships

Chapter 9: Dating and Marriage

Chapter 10: Money and Relationships

Chapter 11: Supporting Your Spouse

Chapter 12: Teaching Kids to Advocate for Themselves

Chapter 13: Making Divorce Work for Everyone Involved

Chapter 14: Avoiding Family Drama

Chapter 15: Caring for Aging Parents

Chapter 16: Help! How to Ask for It, Receive It, and Give It



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