


Foundations of Structured Trade Finance电子书

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作       者:Dr. Benedict Okey Oramah

出  版  社:Ark Group


字       数:101.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Are you interested in learning more about the complex area of structured trade financeStructured Trade Finance (STF) is a highly specialised area of trade finance that has evolved directly from practice. As it grows and becomes more complex in an increasingly risk-based regulatory environment, there is a need for more detailed guidance on the subject. Foundations of Structured Trade Finance will provide you with exactly this. Written by Dr Oramah — President of Afreximbank and a professional who played an important role in the evolution of STF — this report will: Address the philosophical foundations and risks associated with structured trade finance Provide step-by-step guidance on how deals can be structured Outline the scope of coverage outside the confines of commodities Examine real life case studies and draw out lessons that can be learned from these STF has proven itself as an effective instrument for attracting trade finance to those regions that receive limited trade finance and which lag behind in trade and economic performance. Ensure you're aware of the risks associated with it.



Title Page




About the author


Chapter 1: Introduction

Trade and development

Purpose and outline of this book

Chapter 2: Trade finance flows to developing countries

The need for trade finance

Trade finance flows to developing countries – A brief historical review of the African case

Chapter 3: Structured trade finance – Conceptual foundation, origins, and definitions

Conceptual foundation – Understanding risk

The origins of structured trade finance

Definitional issues

Chapter 4: Essential steps in structured trade finance

Collateralisation of credit

Structured trade finance: Essential steps and building blocks

Chapter 5: Structured trade finance in action (1) – Typical commodity-type deal structures

Traditional structures

Chapter 6: Structured trade finance in action (2) – Deviations from typical commodity-type trade finance deal structures

Situations where an exporter’s performance risk is weak

Chapter 7: Extension to non-physical commodities

Pre-financing commoditised revenue flows

Turning reimbursement rights into a financing vehicle

Chapter 8: Pricing structured trade finance transactions

Considerations in establishing a pricing model

A suggested pricing formula

Pricing structure

Data requirements

Application of the pricing formula

Impact of emerging Basel III

Chapter 9: Operational risk issues in structured trade finance

Managing operational risks in structured trade finance

Chapter 10: Living the structure –Lessons of real life experience

The good

The difficult and challenging

Chapter 11: Summary and conclusion




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