


Sharpen Your Positive Edge: Shifting Your Thoughts for More Positivity & Success电子书

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作       者:Tina Hallis

出  版  社:Happy Hill Publishing


字       数:16.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Sharpen Your Positive Edge: Shifting Your Thoughts for More Positivity & Success

What People Are Saying


Life can be hard

We can change

Try this exercise

More than just theory

The purpose of this book

Section 1: Increasing Our Positivity

2. Hugs from Grandma - Savoring positive memories

3. Life Lessons from a Warm Brownie - Enjoy it before it’s gone

4. Do You Rise and Shine? - Setting your morning intention for a brighter day

5. The Best Part of Getting a Cold - Practicing gratitude for your health

6. Living in the Flourishing Zone - Improving your positivity ratio

7. Gratitude and Chicken Guts - Appreciating what you don’t have

8. Work-Life Balance Is Not a Noun - The action of positively balancing

9. Could You Use a Vacation? - Taking time off is good for you

10. The Positivity Payoff - The benefits of focusing on the good

11. The Placebo Effect - You get what you expect

12. Using a Fake Smile to Boost Your Mood - It’s all in the eyes

13. Want to Know the Secret to Success? - It’s already inside of you

14. The Power of Priming - How your environment influences your thoughts

15. Wouldn’t It Be Great if Life Were Easy? Or Would It? - Using PERMA to create your best life

16. Creative Gratitude - Why I’m grateful for singing in the shower, Star Trek and straws

17. You’ll Want to Print This - A simple list for more positivity

18. Don’t Think About Gratitude-Feel It - There’s an important difference

19. Amplify the Power of Your Thoughts - Change your posture to change your mind

20. Every Situation Is an Opportunity - Practice makes perfect

21. Let’s Get Laughing - It really is great medicine

22. Can Chores Make Us Happier? - Try adding some mindfulness

23. Struggling to Finish - The difference a little encouragement can make

24. Using Your Imagination - Creating a best-case scenario

25. Can Passwords Boost Your Mood? - Using letters and numbers to brighten your day

26. Personalized Positivity - Experimenting to find what works for you

27. Don’t Wait for Happiness - Remembering to enjoy the present moment

28. It’s Better to Give Than Receive - The power of social support

Section 2: Managing Negativity

29. Why I Love My Kitchen Sink - Using inconvenience as an opportunity for gratitude

30. Don’t Let ‘Ants’ Get The Better of You - Squashing Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS)

31. I’m Mad All Over Again! - Reliving past negative situations

32. Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself - No experience is wasted

33. Don’t Put on a Happy Face - Negative emotions serve a purpose

34. Trauma Can Lead to Growth - The flip side of PTSD

35. When You’re in a Funk - How to get back up when you’re down

36. Now Is Not the Time to Give Up - Letting your discouragement pass

37. Can It Be Good to Feel Bad? - The benefits of negative emotions

38. Help! I Need a Distraction - When stressful emotions cause you to lose perspective

39. Watch Out for This ‘Friend’ - Tuning into your internal voice

40. Help from Healing Breaths - Shifting out of reactive mode

41. What Do You ‘Get’ to Do? - The power of switching one word

42. Feeling Overwhelmed Trying to Do It All - Being realistic and adjusting your expectations

43. Being Thankful While You Wait - Using the extra time for gratitude instead of frustration

44. Life Can Seem so Unfair! - Finding opportunities to learn and grow

45. Different Ways to View Your Day - Switching your perspective for less stress

46. Don’t Reduce Your Stress-Use Your Stress - Shifting your thoughts about the hazards of stress

47. Changing the Stories We Tell Ourselves - Are you jumping to the worst conclusion?

48. The Movie in Your Mind - Don’t get stuck replaying painful scenes

49. Defeating Discouragement - Don’t let it steal your dreams

50. Focusing on Energy Management - A new perspective on work-life balance

Section 3: Building Positive Relationships

51. Responding to Other People’s Negativity - Tips for maintaining your positivity in challenging relationships

52. Why Are Some People More Positive Than Others? - Positivity is in our genes

53. Communicating That You Care - Are you choosing the right language?

54. Watch Out for These Five Triggers - Social situations that can set off our natural threat responses

55. Personality Styles - Understanding and appreciating our differences

56. Cortisol Demons - Don’t get triggered by other people’s stress

57. Is Someone Bugging You? - Changing your reaction is easier than changing other people

58. You Disagree? How Interesting! - Using curiosity to override defensiveness

59. You Got a Raise? How Nice! - Your response to others’ good news matters

60. I Don’t Want Your Advice! - Overriding your defensive instinct

61. Permission to Be Human - Adding a link to the chain of forgiveness, starting with yourself

62. Feeling Unappreciated? - Try pointing out your contributions

63. And I Thought the Traffic Jam Was Bad! - Choosing your response to other people’s reactions

64. No One Is Perfect - Appreciating the dents and scratches we all have

65. Social Connections Are Good for You - Making time for friends in a busy world

66. People Problems - Interacting with unreasonable people

67. Being Kind vs. Being Right - There’s a time and place for each

68. Be a Bucket Filler - The power of positive interactions

69. They Disagreed with My Idea! - Understanding differences in perspectives

70. One Look at Her Told Me to Stay Away - The impact of first impressions

71. Positivity for the Greater Good - Your emotions affect those around you

72. Would You Just Listen? - Knowing when not to offer advice

Section 4: Creating Positive Goals

73. Choose Meaningful Personal Goals - Designing the life you really want

74. The Wrong Reasons to Keep Going - Knowing when it’s time to let goals go

75. Grow Your Grit for More Success - Developing the trait that takes you places

76. Don’t ‘Should’ on Yourself - Pursuing the life you truly want

77. The Secret Formula for Success - Leveraging passion against perceived effort to achieve goals

78. A New Approach to Positive Affirmations - Adding in the ‘How’ and ‘Why’

79. Breaking Out of the ‘Doing’ Mentality - Taking time to celebrate accomplishments

80. Increase Your Quality of Life - Aligning your goals with your true desires

In Conclusion

Spread Some Positivity

About the Author



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