


Management (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Michael Heath

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:10.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The management secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Management. Includes how to: ? Build a goal-oriented team ? Successfully manage individuals, teams and projects ? Set clear goals and give quality feedback ? Get things done on time and on budget ? Deal with difficult situations

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents

Prepare to manage!

Manage yourself

1.1 Be a role model manager

1.2 Be the real thing

1.3 Look like you mean it

1.4 Go on - assert yourself!

1.5 Make time to manage

Empower your people

2.1 Manage with style

2.2 Know the 'High Five' that will motivate

2.3 Training is a chance to grow your own

2.4 Know how to coach

2.5 Keep on track with feedback

2.6 Let others share the load

2.7 Orchestrate a winning performance

2.8 Accentuate the positive in appraisals

2.9 Absence won't make the heart grow fonder

2.10 Make discipline a quiet word

Make things happen

3.1 Make the decision to be decisive

3.2 Project plan, plan, plan

3.3 Object to unclear objectives

3.4 Identify meaningful milestones

3.5 Make your monitoring effective

3.6 Assign fair shares

3.7 Write reports that people want to read

Communicate in all directions

4.1 Manage up like you manage down

4.2 Turn on your feedback channel

4.3 Get to know yourself

4.4 Questions first - then listen up

4.5 Always be tactful

4.6 It's great to collaborate

4.7 Be a culture vulture

4.8 Learn the language of body talk

4.9 Write emails with care

Recruit the very best

5.1 Know exactly what you're looking for

5.2 Get ready to impress at interview

5.3 Save time with a telephone interview

5.4 Make great candidates want to join you

5.5 Avoid that fatal attraction

Build a great team

6.1 Define the team roles

6.2 Take your team on a journey

6.3 Fire up the team spirit

6.4 Build a supreme team

6.5 Communicate with a virtual team

6.6 Make time to meet

6.7 Produce an agenda

6.8 Turn yourself into a good chair

6.9 Open your meeting to all

6.10 Turn words into actions

Treat the budget with respect

7.1 Link in with the strategy

7.2 Understand your budget

7.3 Anticipate the future

7.4 Negotiate openly

Jargon buster

Further reading

About The Author


About the Publisher

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