


100 Ways to Boost Your Energy (Collins Gem)电子书

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作       者:Theresa Cheung

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:15.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Do you feel mentally or physically drained, or just in need of a good pick-me-up? Energy is essential in today’s sleep-deprived, overstretched, high-speed world, but how can you recharge your batteries when there is a constant drain on your energy levels? Most people have experienced that ‘tired-all-the-time’ feeling, making your body feel sluggish and drained and affecting your concentration levels. Energy zappers are all around us, some obvious, some hidden, but the good news is that there is a way around almost all of them. This practical pocket-guide offers 100 simple and effective ideas to help you boost your energy, however hectic your lifestyle. Learn how to increase your stamina and build up reserves of energy to help you face each and every day with more vitality and pep. The book features an introductory section, exploring the concept of energy and what it actually is. For example, how do you gain energy, and how do you lose it? 100 energy boosting suggestions follow, split into helpful sections. Boost your energy with: ? good sleep hygiene ? natural methods ? food ? exercise ? stress management and complementary therapies ? positive thinking ? supplements ? mental workouts ? instant boosters – recharge in 60 seconds From sucking on a peppermint and drinking a glass of ice cold water to massaging your ear lobes and exercising at your desk, this book is the perfect pick-me-up for anyone who wants to overcome daily fatigue, fast.

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents


Part One: Understanding Energy

What is energy?

The causes of low energy: energy-drainers

Energy-draining medical conditions

The energy solution

Part Two: 100 Energy Boosters

Boost energy with a good night's sleep

Boost energy with food

Boost energy with movement

Boost energy naturally

Boost energy with supplements

Boost energy with positive thinking

Boost mental energy

Part Three: Instant Pick-me-ups: Recharge In 60 Seconds Or Less



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