


The Student Cookbook电子书

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作       者:Sophie Grigson

出  版  社:Collins


字       数:32.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 饮食/健康



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Leaving home to go to university is daunting enough already without the added stress of cooking for yourself. If you've never ventured into the kitchen or can't tell a saucepan from a frying pan renowned TV chef, Sophie Grigson is here to help. Sophie Grigson's The Student Cookbook, combines delicious tasting, simple recipes with her expert tips and easy to follow guides. This book assumes no prior cooking experience and will take you through the basics that most cookbooks leave out. Clear, detailed and fully illustrated with beautiful step-by-step photography, this book will show you how to shop, what equipment you will need, the best techniques to use and how to read a recipe. For example, Sophie will guide you through the best way to chop an onion, what kind of saucepans to buy and how to pick a chicken. This book will give you confidence in the kitchen and get you excited about cooking. Before you know it a roast dinner for six hungry housemates will be no problem! Learning to cook is cheaper, healthier and more satisfying than any microwave meal or greasy takeaway, it's even fun. With its appetising yet quick and easy recipes The Student Cookbook is the only culinary survival guide any hungry student will need. Recipes Include: Chickpea, Courgette and Carrot Salad Roast Potato Wedges Tuna Fishcakes Roast Rack of Lamb with Parsley and Orange Crust Thai Stir-Fried Noodles Grilled Streak Fried Onion and Bacon Omelette Tagine of Lamb with Apricots and Almonds Roast Salmon with Thyme and Lime Crust Orange Fried Bananas

Cover Page

Title Page


Table of Contents

Why Cook?

Techniques and General Tips

Chapter one Soups, Starters and Eggs

Chapter two Pasta, Pizza and Rice

Chapter three Meat and Poultry

Chapter four Stir-frying

Chapter five Fish

Chapter six Vegetables and Salads

Chapter seven Puddings, Cakes and Biscuits




About the Publisher

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