


History and Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 中医历史与哲学电子书

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作       者:图娅,方廷钰

出  版  社:人民卫生出版社


字       数:57.8万

所属分类: 科技 > 医学 > 其他



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In this book, we endeavor to introduce readers to the cultural background, origins and historical development of traditional Chinese medicine. We surveyed the most important events in its long history and the conditions that influenced its development, including the cultural and philosophical ideas and assumptions that led to the development of the particular methods and techniques of healing that characterize Chinese medicine. Our goal is not to give an exhaustive survey of the history and philosophy of Chinese medicine, but rather to convey the patterns of its development and allow readers to gain an understanding of the distinctive features of traditional Chinese medicine.


Sealed Cover


CIP data in Chinese

CIP data in English


About the Authors

Editorial Board for International Standard Library of Chinese Medicine


Table of Contents

Important Concepts in Chinese Philosophy and Chinese Medicine


Yin and Yang

Five Phases

Body and Spirit or Vitality

CHAPTER 1 Ancient Civilization and Origin of Medical Knowledge (Remote Ages-500 B.C.)

Section 1 Beginning of the Ancient Chinese Civilization

Section 2 Traces of Ancient Culture in the Initial Period of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Section 3 The Origin of Fundamental Concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Section 4 Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Hygiene, Environment, Disease, Prevention, Medication and Treatment

Section 5 Philosophy in Ancient Times: Its Formation and Development

Section 6 The Territory and Humanistic Characteristics of the Birth of Traditional Chinese Medicine

CHAPTER 2 Establishment of the Traditional Chinese Medical System (475 B.C.-265 A.D.)

Section 1 Social Background and Development of Medicine

Section2 Establishing Unique Philosophical System—Unearthed Cultural Relics Evidence

Section 3 Unearthed Medical Relics from the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.)

Section 4 The Establishment of the Theoretical Framework of Chinese Medicine: The Contents and Significance of the Four TCM Classics

Section 5 Principles, Methods, Formulas, and Medicinals and Pattern Differentiation and Treatment

Section 6 Well-known Practitioners and Historical Figures

CHAPTER 3 Prosperity of Chinese Medicine (From the Two Jin Dynasties to the Five Dynasties, 265-960 A.D.)

Section 1 Unprecedented Development of the Chinese Civilization

Section 2 A Golden Age of Compiling Ancient Medical Books

Section 3 Publication of Comprehensive Monographs on TCM Formulas and Their Contributions

Section 4 Development of Pharmacology

Section 5 Development of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Section 6 Classification and Development of Clinical Specialties

Section 7 Standardization of Medical Education and Medical Administration

Section 8 Medical Exchange between China and Other Countries

CHAPTER 4 Outstanding Achievements in Various Medical Specialties and Innovations by TCM Physicians of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties (From the Song Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty, 960-1368 A.D.)

Section 1 Social Stability and Reform

Section 2 Progress of Medical Administration

Section 3 Editing, Compilation and Publication of Medical Monographs

Section 4 Achievements and Influences of the Study of Chinese Materia Medica

Section 5 Prominent Achievements of Different Medical Branches

Section 6 Medical Innovations in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties (1115-1368 A.D.)

Section 7 Medical Exchanges between China and Other Countries

CHAPTER 5 The Flourishing of Medicine and Continual Spread and Development of Western Medicine in China from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.) to the Outbreak of the First Opium War (1840 A.D.)

Section 1 Social Change and Development of Science and Technology

Section 2 Development of Pharmacology and Chinese Medical Formulas during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911 A.D.)

Section 3 Innovations and Achievements of Clinical Medicine in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911 A.D.)

Section 4 Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, the Invention of Variolation and Spread of Vaccination into China

Section 5 Founding and Flourishing of Warm Disease Theory

Section 6 Research on Anatomy in the Period of Continued Spread of Western Science in China

Section 7 Comprehensive Medical Works, Classical Annotation and Academic Associations

Section 8 Spread of Western Science into China and Research on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

CHAPTER 6 Interchange and Confict Between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine (Opium War-People’s Republic of China, 1840-1949 A.D.)

Section 1 Social Background of Modern China and the Development of Medicine

Section 2 Headway of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Section 3 Development of Western Medicine in China

Section 4 Debates over Chinese and Western Medicine

Section 5 The First Movement for the “Scientifization of Chinese Medicine”

Section 6 Abolishment and Anti-abolishment

CHAPTER 7 Rebirth and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its International Dissemination (After the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, 1949 A.D.- )

Section 1 Strong National Support for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Section 2 Prosperity and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Section 3 Further Research on Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine

Section 4 Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

APPENDIX 1: Herb List

APPENDIX 2: Formula List

APPENDIX 3: Classic Text List

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