


Credit Repair Secrets Will Fix Your Credit电子书

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作       者:Casey Boon

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:5.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Repair Your Credit Score Without Stress or Panic Manage Your Credit in Only 10 Minutes Each Month! ? What if you could drastically improve your credit score? ? Imagine a great credit score that opens you to impressive financial opportunities… ? How would your life be different with an extra $500 or $1000 each month… ? Credit score enthusiast Casey Boon shows why credit has become so important in today’s culture.? She lays out a plan that she used to successfully correct her own past credit difficulties “It is easy to fall into credit problems, the trick is to right them ASAP. There is life after debt”. ? In this book you will learn: ? ·Why credit problems creep up on you. ·How to end procrastination. ·How to reduce stress by facing credit issues guilt free. ·How to end your debt SOON. ·How to save money with the DIY approach. ·How to save time for family. ·How you are the captain of your ship. ? Buy this book today and repair your credit score without stress or panic! ? Pick up this book today by clicking the BUY BUTTON at the top of this page!


The Psychology of Credit and Debt

Understanding Credit and Credit Scores

Credit Fiction

Characteristics of People with Good Credit

Characteristics of People with Bad Credit

Depression and Bad Credit

How Much Does Credit Cost?

Behaviours to Help You Improve Your Credit Score

How to Remove Dings from Your Credit Score

Maintain Your Credit Score

The Pros and Cons of Credit Use


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