


Pastoral land management电子书

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作       者:Michael K. Biamah, Wilson K. Yabann, Elijah K. Biamah

出  版  社:Dolman Scott Publishing


字       数:301.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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In the arid lands of Kenya, the social structure system associated with traditional pastoralism has evolved useful mechanisms for achieving sustainable resource utilization within fragile dryland environments. The sustainability of traditional pastoralism in Kenya is no longer feasible due to the increasing pressure on a shrinking resource base. This uncertainty with the sustainability of this traditional life style, calls for a radical shift in thinking from traditional to commercial pastoralism. Commercial pastoralism allows for the emergence of dynamic pastoralism which adapts quickly to technological changes and evolving market conditions in a fast changing pastoral environment. Whereas this futuristic form of pastoralism must recognize pastoral communities as legal entities and accord them the rights of control and disposal or transfer, it should also bestow the rights of access and use on individual pastoralists. The individualization of the right of land disposal or transfer in non-enlightened pastoral communities has led to the emergence of destitution and poverty in pastoral areas of Kenya. This book publication provides valuable information on emerging issues and options on pastoral land management in Kenya. It is based on a three year study on Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in the Arid Lands of Kenya. It also does provide the requisite information for the formulation of a policy and legal framework on sustainable pastoral land management in Kenya.

Cover Page

Title Page




Pictorial Presentation of extensively degraded land (with deep gullies) and livelihoods in Arid and Semi-arid Lands of Kenya

Acronyms and Abbreviations



1. Pastoral Land Management in Kenya

1.1 Background of Pastoralism

1.2 Pastoral Environment, Resources and People

1.3 Emerging Issues on Pastoral Resource Utilization

1.4 Emerging Options to Pastoralism

1.5 Sustainability of Pastoralism

2. Pastoral Resources Utilization: Emerging Issues and Options

2.1 Dynamics of Somali Pastoralism

2.2 Proliferation of Water Sources

2.3 Impact of Settlements on Pastoralism

2.4 Impact of Changes in Key Production Areas

3. Temporal Trends in Land Use, Property Rights and Pastoralism

3.1 Land Use and Property Rights in Turkana County

3.2 Land Use and Property Rights in Baringo County

3.3 Land Use and Property Rights in Wajir and Mandera Counties

3.4 Land Use and Property Rights in Isiolo County

3.5 Land Use and Property Rights in Marsabit County

3.6 Land Use and Property Rights in Samburu County

3.7 Land Use and Property Rights in Garissa County

3.8 Land Use and Property Rights in Tana River County

3.9 Changes in Traditional Pastoral Land Tenure

3.10 Community Development Activities and Pastoralism

3.11 Institutional Changes and Pastoralism

3.12 Livestock Diseases and Pastoralism

3.13 Empowerment of Pastoral Communities

3.14 Alternative Options to Pastoralism

4. Policy Framework on Pastoral Resource Management and Land Use

4.1 Pastoralism and Land Use

4.2 Emerging Issues on Pastoral Resource Utilization

4.3 Rangeland Production Systems

4.4 Changing Pastoral Systems

5. Policy Framework on Pastoral Land Tenure

5.1 Concept of Ownership and Possession of Land

5.2 Legal Status of Pastoral Communities

5.3 Legal Options on Pastoral Property Rights

5.4 Policy Considerations on Pastoral Property Rights

6. Policy Framework on Resource Economics and Socio-cultural Aspects of Pastoralism

6.1 Administrative and Political Development

6.2 Policy Considerations on Pastoral Resource Economics

6.3 Policy Considerations on Socio-Cultural Aspects of Pastoralism

7. Guidelines for a Policy Framework on Pastoral Land Tenure

7.1 Rationale and Objectives of a Pastoral Land Tenure Policy

7.2 Patterns and Preferences on Land Tenure

7.3 Policy Considerations on Pastoral Land Tenure

7.4 Plausible Premises on Sustainability of Pastoralism

7.5 Pastoralism and the Future

8. Guidelines for a Legislative Action on Pastoral Land Tenure

8.1 Rationale for Legislative Action

8.2 Options and Limitations of New Legislative Action

8.3 Pre-Legislative Action

8.4 Pre-Legislative Action

8.5 Conclusion and Recommendation

9. Legal Considerations on Pastoral Land Management in Kenya

9.1 Existing Property Regimes, Legal Statutes and Land Use Categories

9.2 Legal Aspects on Pastoral Land Tenure

9.3 Legislative Action on Pastoral Lands

10. County Preferences on Pastoral Land Tenure

10.1 Turkana and Baringo Counties

10.2 Wajir and Mandera Counties

10.3 Isiolo County

10.4 Marsabit County

10.5 Samburu County

10.6 Garissa County

10.7 Tana River County



11. Pastoral Land Tenure Profiles of Arid Lands Counties

11.1 Land Tenure Profile of Garissa County

11.2 Land Tenure Profile of Turkana County

11.3 Land Tenure Profile of Baringo County

11.4 Land Tenure Profile of Isiolo County

11.5 Land Tenure Profile of Marsabit County

11.6 Land Tenure Profile of Tana River County

11.7 Land Tenure Profile of Wajir and Mandera Counties

11.8 Land Tenure Profile of Samburu County

Selected References


A. Pictorial Presentations of Environment and Natural Resources in Samburu County

B. Pictorial Presentations of Environment and Activities in Kajiado County

C. Pictorial Presentations of Environment and Activities in Mandera County

D. Pictorial Presentations of Environment and Activities in Turkana County

E. Pictorial Presentations of Environment and Natural Resources in Tharaka Nithi and Kitui Counties

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