


The World Within电子书

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作       者:J. Krishnamurti

出  版  社:Krishnamurti Foundation America


字       数:27.9万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 哲学/宗教 > 哲学



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"Truth is not something that is mysterious; truth is where you are. From there you can begin. The truth is that I am angry, I am jealous, I am aggressive, I quarrel. That is a fact. So one must begin, if one may most respectfully point out, from where one is. That is why it is important to know yourself, to have complete knowledge of yourself, not from others, not from psychologists, brain specialists and so on, but to know what you are. Because, you are the story of mankind. If you know how to read that book which is yourself, then you know all the activities and brutalities and stupidities of mankind because you are the rest of the world." – J. Krishnamurti Reading the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, one is immediately struck by how personal the words are to one’s own thinking and what a close mirror they are of our human psychological activity. His language is not bound by time, place, or circumstance, and so readers in any era or on any continent can find themselves clearly and compassionately made plain. Krishnamurti’s heuristic approach was typical not only of his dialogues or interviews, but also of his public talks where an attendee in an audience of thousands felt in direct contact with the speaker. His language was simple, without jargon or without any assumptions about the audience by the speaker. Krishnamurti helped the interviewees, without intending to, to see for themselves the intricacies of their thinking and of their problems. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Krishnamurti did not speak publicly in the United States, but lived quietly in Ojai, California. People sought him out and came to dialogue with him on many issues of the times or their own personal dilemmas. Their problems were universal human problems, and each made true his statement that ‘You are the world.’ As Krishnamurti unwound the tight threads of their thinking and feeling, the core or source of a concern was revealed, unadorned and without blame or guilt. After the Second World War years, there was a set of three volumes of interviews with Krishnamurti that appeared worldwide, titled Commentaries on Living. This new book, The World Within, out of the Krishnamurti Archives, is a compendium of additional perennial questions with their timeless answers. The inquiry is still fresh, after seventy years, and readers will find themselves in both the questions and the responses.

Cover Page

Title Page




1. Anger And Intolerance

2. The Voice of Reality?

3. The Joyous and Aching Problem of Birth And Death

4. The ‘Me’ and the ‘Mine’

5. Psychological Dependence

6. Man and Machine

7. Lust Is in the Mind

8. Charity Without Barriers

9. Devotions Nullified by Antagonism

10. A Different Standard of Living

11. You Have Created the World’s Problem

12. Healing Oneself

13. Society’s Barbarous Game

14. A Peaceful Interval or True Peace?

15. The Problem of Sex

16. Writing Down Your Thoughts

17. Right Thinking, Not Right Thoughts

18. The Self-Enclosing Walls

19. Beyond All Religions

20. What Is the Label, What Is the Actual?

21. Not by Bread Alone

22. Was it His Karma to Die in This Way?

23. The Poison of Hate

24. At the Crossroads of Life

25. Seeking Encouragement from Outside

26. Asceticism and the Other Ways of Power

27. What Is Awareness?

28. Disturbing Dreams

29. The Greatness of Relationship Is Its Very Insecurity

30. To Affect the Whole, the Part Must Transform Itself

31. Right Livelihood

32. Decision or Understanding?

33. Turning Everything to One’s Benefit

34. Prayer, a Complex Affair

35. Crying for the Living or for the Dead?

36. The Unspiritual Closed Circle

37. The Pages of Self-Knowledge

38. Your Subconscious Demands

39. Belief in the Masters

40. Loneliness, With Its Panicky Fears

41. Nationalism, a Poison

42. The Dull and the Sensitive Areas

43. How the Mind Reproduces Itself

44. On Smoking—and the Much Larger Problem

45. The Profession of Acting

46. On Homosexuality

47. The Flow of Self-Awareness into Pools of Meditation

48. When Your Inner Light Goes Out

49. Become Aware of the Past Through the Present

50. The Seeds of Corruption in Organizations

51. To Live Alone or in Close Relationship?

52. Aren’t You Wasting Your Life?

53. Repetitive, Trivial, Unfinished Thoughts

54. Digging Deeply and Lying Fallow

55. Understand a Problem Not on Its Own Level

56. Attachment and Detachment Are Both Gratifying

57. Theories and Explanations Are Hindrances

58. To Kill or Not to Kill

59. Re-Educating the Parents

60. The Observer and the Observed

61. The Conflict Between Instinct and Conditioning

62. Between Awareness and Distraction

63. The Mind Becomes What It Possesses

64. Aggressiveness in Relationships

65. Thought Points Out the Thinker

66. Feel out Rather Than Be Clever

67. Learning Through War Games the Language Of Killing

68. Escaping Through the Ideal and Through Insensitivity

69. Your Overcrowded Mind

70. To Think Is to Be Afraid

71. The Two Ways of Accepting Sorrow

72. The Clever, Forewarned Intellect

73. A Family to Fill Your Emptiness

74. The Maker of Effort, of Choice

75. Capacities and Gifts Are Dangerous Friends

76. In Seeking the Real, Bread Will Be Supplied

77. Memory Must Become as an Empty Shell

78. The Helper and the Helped

79. The Scars That Experience Leaves

80. To Reform Politics Is to Waste Thought

81. Speculation About Reality or Direct Experience?

82. Will You Allow Yourself to Be Killed by the Enemy?

83. A Teacher’s Dilemmas

84. Can I Find God in a Fox-Hole?

85. In the Immediate Does Not Lie the Answer

86. The Educated Shell of Our Conditioning

87. To Be Successful Is Misery to Others and for Oneself

88. Understanding Conflict

89. Patterns Comfort Us into Dullness

90. Right Meditation

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