


Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story电子书

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作       者:Lorelle Taylor

出  版  社:Peace Angel Publishing


字       数:18.2万

所属分类: 人文社科 > 哲学/宗教 > 哲学



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Are you awakening spiritually and feeling weird?You’re not alone. Truly, you are not alone. You have many spiritual helpers, and just like Angela, you can learn to communicate with them and enlist their support. Lorelle Taylor’s extraordinary book traces Angela’s journey from normal to weird. Join her as she confronts challenges and undertakes deeply spiritual lessons while exploring the biggest questions. Learn about life and death from angels, spirit guides, Jesus and God. Discover how to overcome obstacles in your own path as you too discover the secrets for a fulfilled and happy life. Start reading?Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story?today and you’ll discover that on this journey, you’re also getting used to love. You’ll come away with the knowledge that “Love is the answer to all questions.”


The Healing

The Demonstration

The Course

Getting Used to Weird

The Psychic Reading

Talking to Angels and Spirit Guides

Ask Your Angels

Don’t Worry; Be Happy

Whose Messages?

Talking to Dead People

Mother Mary

Feeling the Energy

Religion Studies

Life Lessons: Mountain Climbing


Angel Answers

Buddhist Maybe Story

Don’t Worry; Be Happy, Again

Psychic Development

The Power of Now

Talking to Jesus

Talking to Plants and Animals

I Approve of Myself

Asking for Help

Talking to God

God is Waiting

Be a Light unto the World

The Little Soul

Factory Farmed Animals

Send Your Mistakes to Heaven

Friends with God

Free Will is Paramount

Have Faith


Planning for The Future

Lessons of Love

Love Yourself First

Talk about Sex

Love is All There is

Love = Vibration = Healing = Sex

Feeling the Love of God


Love is Invincible

Waking up with Love

More Demonstrations of Love

Home With God

Life and the Afterlife

Emotional Pain

100 Virgins


What is God?

Spiritual School

Light Being Advice

Wisdom of the Higher Self

Simultaneous and Sequential

Gambling Lessons

The Test

Love for Poker Machines

Gambling Rules Your Life

The Lessons

Lessons of Faith and Love

Overcoming Fear

Whose Love?

Believe and it is So

Building Confidence

Creating Your Reality

Tools for Coping

God Won’t Give up on You

Be a Beacon

Avoid Violence


The Tools

The Love Story Continues



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