


Get Paid For Your Pad: How to Maximize Profit From Your Airbnb Listing电子书

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作       者:Jasper Ribbers, Huzefa Kapadia

出  版  社:Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press


字       数:27.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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How To Make Money On Airbnb If you have a home and an Internet connection, you may very well be sitting on a goldmine. You could be making hundreds of dollars a night. Even just renting out a spare room could bring in well over $1000 a month! Renting in the vacation rentals market, when done correctly, crushes the return from long-term tenants. Like hundreds of thousands of people, you can boost your rental profits by 2 to 3 times?with the most well-known vacation rentals marketplace in the world: Airbnb. If you have a home or spare room that is empty (when you travel or on vacation for example) you are missing out on significant rental income! The Most Comprehensive Airbnb Book Available:This step-by-step guide to renting your home on the Airbnb platform teaches you in detail how to take advantage of this opportunity:? How Jasper went from making $24,000 per year to $60,000 from his apartment in Amsterdam ? How to prepare your home like a 5-star bed & breakfast in a cost-effective manner ? How to set up a dazzling and polished Airbnb?listing from start to finish ? How to communicate with guests in a professional and responsive way ? How to scientifically calculate an optimal price point for profit maximization ? How to catapult your search rank within the Airbnb platform **This book comes with a FREE audio book** Get Paid For Your Pad is the definitive book for Airbnb hosts?and real estate investing, which includes:? little known tips & tricks to optimize your listing? examples from real, profitable Airbnb listings? stories and strategies from successful Airbnb hosts? "Do This Now" action items to get your listing ready for primetime? easy-to-implement tactics and turn-key templates...... that can be employed to launch and optimize your Airbnb business right away!


Introduction: Getting Paid for Your Pad

Why Airbnb?

Size and growth

Sticking with one accommodations marketplace

Who is this book for?

How to use this book

Overview of “Get Paid For Your Pad”

Chapter 1: Preparing Your House

Making your space “guest friendly”

Providing access to your house

Managing your space

Kris’ Story

Chapter 2: Creating a Killer Listing

Renting your space as an “entire home/apartment,” “private room,” or “shared room”



Personal photo

Creating your Airbnb Symbol

Title and description

House rules

Minimum and maximum amount of nights

Same-day requests and preparation time

Cancellation policy

Creating an official “Airbnb Guidebook”

Michael’s Story

Chapter 3: Listing on Airbnb for Renters and Condo-Owners

Option 1: forego listing on Airbnb

Option 2: ask for permission

Option 3: listing without permission

Diego’s Story

Chapter 4: Hosting on Airbnb Outside of Major Tourist Destinations

Peruse existing Airbnb listings in your area

Other accommodation marketplaces

Availability of hotels

Tourism bureau

Professional Airbnb scouting services

Robert and Jodie’s Story

Chapter 5: Pricing

Finding an optimal pricing strategy

Setting your base price

Determining base price for new listings

Determining base price for veteran listings

Majority of bookings are made within 30 days of check-in

Adjust your price according to demand

The Airbnb pricing tool

Third party automated pricing applications

Weekly/monthly pricing

Most significant digit pricing


Negotiation position


Factors to consider when negotiating

Anna’s Story

Chapter 6: Your Guests

Communicating with your guests

Creating a custom Welcome Book

Touch Stay

Cancelling a booking

Problems with your guests

Feedback from guests

Accepting bookings

Interacting with guests renting single rooms

Becoming an Airbnb Superhost

Jordan’s Story

Chapter 7: Reviews

The Airbnb review system

Getting positive reviews

Bad reviews

Cristophe’s Story

Chapter 8: Promoting Your Listing

Airbnb listing search

Verified factors

Inferred factors

Be active in the Airbnb community

Amy’s Story

Chapter 9: Different Ways to Host on Airbnb

Renting on the fly to fund impromptu vacations

Couch camping to accommodate guests in a one-bedroom rental

Cashing in on popular festivals and events

Trading a home for a mansion

Cara’s Story

Chapter 10: Airbnb Taxes for Hosts in the U.S.

Paying your Airbnb taxes

Rental vs. business: Schedule C or Schedule E?

Deductible expenses for Airbnb hosts

Use a separate bank account for your Airbnb business

Sandy’s Story

Chapter 11: Investing in Real Estate for Airbnb Rental

The best cities for Airbnb investment

Assess Airbnb friendliness of the area and property

Target listings with standout features

Identify your likely demographic given the apartment and location

Use a market analysis tool to estimate return on investment

Determining return on investment independently

Renovation and furnishing

Ashley’s Story

Chapter 12: Safety and Airbnb Hosting

Seven ways to make an Airbnb business as safe as possible

What to do if something goes awry

Chapter 13: An Inside Look at the Airbnb Open

Chapter 14: Final Words

What is next?

Thank you!

About The Authors

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