


Learning Disability Nursing Practice电子书

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作       者:Jukes, Mark

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:115.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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This text encapsulates not only the origins of nursing in the learning disability field but also contemporary perspectives and areas for specialist nursing practice. The book is divided into four sections: origins, perspectives, practice, and further perspectives. Section one (origins) describes Great Barr Colony and explores the conceptions of practice of actual attendants and nurses who worked there. It gives readers an in-depth focus on aspects of work and practice not accounted for in the literature to date. Section two (perspectives) explores social policy perspectives from the past eras of the workhouse, the colony and the hospital, through to the present age of citizenship. Research in learning disability nursing practice is identifi ed through scoping exercises to identify its current status. The section questions the research and practice developments that have come of age and that constitute a challenge within an evidence-based health and social care world. Section three (practice) identifi es a wide range of specialist areas of nursing practice, including community learning disability nursing, epilepsy, forensics, health facilitation, autism, mental health, challenging behaviour, children s services and working with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Section four (further perspectives) addresses areas of contemporary and future concern, namely, educational curricula for nurses and the importance of inter-professional education and practice development.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information



Body matter

Section One: Origins

Chapter 1. Mental deficiency institutions: Have the obituaries been fair and balanced?

Chapter 2. Striving towards ordinariness within a regulatory system

Chapter 3. Mental deficiency nursing and the GNC: A square peg in a round hole

Section Two: Perspectives

Chapter 4. From the workhouse to citizenship: Four ages of learning disability

Chapter 5. Researching learning disability nursing

Section Three: Practices

Chapter 6. Community learning disability nursing

Chapter 7. Health facilitation

Chapter 8. Epilepsy and specialist learning disability practice

Chapter 9. Nursing people with profound and multiple learning disabilities

Chapter 10. Mental health and learning disability

Chapter 11. Challenging behaviour: The contribution of nurse specialists

Chapter 12. Forensic learning disability nursing practice

Chapter 13. Autism spectrum conditions

Chapter 14. Development of services for children

Section Four: Further perspectives

Chapter 15. Challenges for the curriculum in learning disability nursing

Chapter 16. Inter-professional education

Chapter 17. Continuing practice development in learning disability nursing

Back matter


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