



售       价:¥


137人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:刘铁敏

出  版  社:人民邮电出版社有限公司


字       数:59.1万

所属分类: 教育 > 大中专教材 > 研究生/本科/专科教材



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  • 读书简介
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Part One Money and Economics

Chapter 1 Money

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 1.1 What is Money?

1.1.1 History of money

1.1.2 Meaning of Money

Section 1.2 Functions of Money

1.2.1 Medium of Exchange

1.2.2 Unit of Account

1.2.3 Store of Value

1.2.4 Standard of Deferred Payment

Section 1.3 Evolution of the Payment System

1.3.1 The forms of money

1.3.2 Are we moving to a cashless society?

Section 1.4 Measuring Money

1.4.1 Theoretical and Empirical Definition of Money

1.4.2 The federal reserve’s monetary aggregates

1.4.3 Money supply

Section 1.5 Money Policy



Additional Readings

Chapter 2 Financial Markets

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 2.1 What is Financial Market?

2.1.1 Definition of financial market

2.1.2 Constituents of financial market

Section 2.2 Functions of Financial Markets

2.2.1 Intermediary Functions

2.2.2 Financial Functions

Section 2.3 Currency(Money)markets

2.3.1 Participants

2.3.2 Functions of the money market

2.3.3 Common money market instruments

Section 2.4 Capital markets

2.4.1 Deeply view to capital market

2.4.2 Examples of capital market transactions

2.4.3 Raising Capitals

Section 2.5 Derivative products market

2.5.1 Future Contracts

2.5.2 Forward Contracts

2.5.3 Optional contracts



Additional Readings

Chapter 3 Polities and Economics

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 3.1 Macroeconomics&amp;Polities

3.1.1 Games between policy makers and voters

3.1.2 Games between Policy Makers

Section 3.2 An General Perspective on the Political Economy of“Big Change”

3.2.1 The Social-Political Context and Co-Evolution

3.2.2 Embeddedness

3.2.3 The Dilemma of Knowledge as a Product and a Resource

3.2.4 The Global perspective on the evolution

3.2.5 Evolutionary Social-Economic“intricacy”

3.2.6 The Initiation of Self Re-Enforcing Growth

Section 3.3 Explosive Change of evolution and Communitarian Collective Ownership

3.3.1 The Fall-Variety Constraining Order

3.3.2 Self Organization and Economics

3.3.3 Communitarian[12]Collective Ownership and Strategic Networks



Additional Readings

Part Two Money and Economics

Chapter 4 Central Bank—PBC

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 4.1 The Reform of PBC

4.1.1 Definition of‘Central Bank’

4.1.2 Transformation of the PBC

4.1.3 Reform the Current Financial Structure

Section 4.2 The Functions of PBC

4.2.1 The Reason for Transformation

4.2.2 The Biggest Change of the Functions of the PBC

4.2.3 The Functions of PBC

Section 4.3 The Instruments of Central Banking

4.3.1 Open Market Operation

4.3.2 Reserve Requirements

4.3.3 Rediscount



Additional Readings

Chapter 5 Commercial Banks

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 5.1 Introduction

Section 5.2 What Is a Bank?

5.2.1 The Role of the Banking Sector in China

5.2.2 Vigorous Development of the Banking Sector

5.2.3 Increased Openness of the Banking Sector

Section 5.3 Intermediary Services

5.3.1 Settlement-Payments and Funds Transfer

5.3.2 Plastic Money

5.3.3 International Settlement

Section 5.4 Loans

5.4.1 Definition and Categories of Loans

5.4.2 The Credit Process

5.4.3 Post-Disbursement Management

Section 5.5 Banking on the Internet

5.5.1 Backgrounds

5.5.2 On-Line Banking Products

5.5.3 The Future Prospects of On-Line Banking



Additional Readings

Chapter 6 Supervision of Banking and Financial Institutions

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 6.1 Importance and Objectives of Banking Supervision

6.1.1 The Role of Banks and Importance of Banking Supervision

6.1.2 Objectives of Banking Supervision

6.1.3 Preconditions for Effective Banking Supervision

Section 6.2 Licensing Process

6.2.1 Phases of the Process

6.2.2 Factors Evaluated by the Chartering Authorities

6.2.3 Basel Committee’s Requirements on Bank Licensing

Section 6.3 Arrangements for Ongoing Banking Supervision

6.3.1 Risks in Banking

6.3.2 Key Prudential Issues

6.3.3 Off-site Surveillance

6.3.4 On-site Examinations

Section 6.4 Dealing with Weak Banks

6.4.1 Symptoms and Cause of Bank Problems

6.4.2 Principles for Dealing with Weak Banks

6.4.3 Corrective Actions

6.4.4 Resolution Issues and Exit

6.4.5 Closure of the Bank:Depositor pay-off



Additional Readings

Part Three Money and Economics

Chapter 7 Securities

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 7.1 Stock

7.1.1 History


7.1.3 Types of stock

7.1.4 Rule 144 stock

7.1.5 Shareholder

7.1.6 Stock derivatives

7.1.7 Share price determination

7.1.8 Stock price fluctuations

Section 7.2 Bond

7.2.1 Issuance

7.2.2 Main Features of Bond

7.2.3 The kinds of Bond

7.2.4 Bond market

7.2.5 Bond market participants

Section 7.3 Fund

7.3.1 What is fund?

7.3.2 Fund Constitution

7.3.3 Unit or share class

7.3.4 Investment aims

7.3.5 Types of risk

7.3.6 Kinds of Fund



Additional Readings

Chapter 8 Foreign Exchange

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 8.1 Foreign Exchange Rate

8.1.1 Quotations

8.1.2 Bilateral vs.effective exchange rate

8.1.3 Exchange rate regime

8.1.4 Fluctuations in exchange rates

Section 8.2 Foreign Exchange Market

8.2.1 Market participants

8.2.2 Characteristics

8.2.3 Determinants of exchange rates

8.2.4 Forex signals

Section 8.3 Foreign Exchange Operation

8.3.1 Spot or Foreign exchange spot

8.3.2 Forward

8.3.3 Swap

8.3.4 Future or Currency future

8.3.5 Option or Foreign exchange option

Section 8.4 Foreign Exchange Exposure

8.4.1 Types of exposure

8.4.2 Measurement at risk

8.4.3 Management at risk



Additional Readings

Chapter 9 Futures&amp;Options

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 9.1 Futures trading

9.1.1 What is Futures?

9.1.2 Margins

9.1.3 Settlement-physical versus cash-settled futures

9.1.4 Futures traders

Section 9.2 Futures exchange

9.2.1 History of futures exchanges

9.2.2 Clearing and settlement

9.2.3 Central counterparty

9.2.4 Mark-to-Market

Section 9.3 Options

9.3.1 Contract specifications

9.3.2 Types

9.3.3 Option styles

9.3.4 Trading



Additional Readings

Part Four Money and Economics

Chapter 10 To Understand Insurance

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 10.1 What Is Insurance

10.1.1 Modern insurance

10.1.2 Societal effects

Section 10.2 Insurance policy

10.2.1 General features

10.2.2 Parts of an insurance contract

10.2.3 Industry standard forms

Section 10.3 Most Important Principles of Insurance

Section 10.4 Insurance Market

10.4.1 Insurance Companies

10.4.2 Reinsurance Companies

10.4.3 Insurance Intermediaries

Section 10.5 Insurance Business

10.5.1 Product Development

10.5.2 Distribution Channels

10.5.3 Underwriting

10.5.4 Loss Settlement

10.5.5 Reserve

10.5.6 Investment



Additional Readings

Chapter 11 Types of Insurance

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 11.1 Personal Insurance

11.1.1 What is Life Insurance?

11.1.2 Health Insurance

11.1.3 Accident Insurance

Section 11.2 Property Insurance

11.2.1 History

11.2.2 Types of Coverage

11.2.3 Specific types

11.2.4 US Property Insurance Claims

Section 11.3 Liability insurance

11.3.1 What is liability insurance?

11.3.2 Types of liability insurance

11.3.3 Insurable risks

Section 11.4 Reinsurance

11.4.1 Definition

11.4.2 Methods of reinsuring

11.4.3 Forms of reinsurance



Additional Readings

Part Five Money and Economics

Chapter 12 The Introduction of Financial Letters

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 12.1 What is Financial Letter?

Section 12.2 Basic Principles of Financial Letter

Section 12.3 The Format of Financial Letter

12.3.1 Standard Parts

12.3.2 Optional Parts

12.3.3 Letter Style

12.3.4 Envelope Addressing



Additional Readings

Chapter 13 The Types of Financial Letters

Learning Objectives

Key Topics

Section 13.1 Letters concerning bank relationship

Section 13.2 Letters Concerning Bank Accounts and Bank Accounting

Section 13.3 Letters concerning Remittance

Section 13.4 Letters concerning Documentary Collection

Section 13.5 Letters concerning Letter of Credit

Section 13.6 Other Financial Letters



Additional Readings

Special Terms



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