“如果这一件又一件的小事去做了,你的生活就变得更好了。” 也许非常简单的事情,可我们却从来没有动手去做过。 或许有些事现在不做,一辈子真的都不会做了。那现在就从简单的生活开始行动吧。 活得简单才能活得自由,是一个特别简单的真理。 仔细想想,每天实际维持你生活的必需品有多少?其实并不多吧?我们需要得多, 都是因为我们贪图享受,而我们一旦贪图享受,就容易被物质所奴役。
售 价:¥
活得简单,才能活得自由 Live simply, live freely
穿棉麻衣服的人,不需要取悦任何人 The people in cotton clothes don't need to please anyone
买个透明的大杯子,喝白开水 Buy a transparent glass to drink boiled water
过不花钱也优雅的生活 Live elegant life without spending one cent
假如我们等不到对的人,是不是要一辈子孤单 Should we live lonely all the time if we couldn't meet the right person
金鱼记 The thing about goldfish
“真的有必要吗?”——减少购物 "Is it really necessary?" —Reduce shopping
很多东西并不是我们想象中的那么重要,那么不可缺少 Many things are not so important and indispensable in our imagation
去摆个地摊,乐在其中 It is a big pleasure to set up a temporary stall to sell something
找一件母亲或者祖母的衣服来,体验“古着”的时尚 Find a mother's or grandmother's clothes to experience fashion on "vintage"
穿上平底鞋的纯真质朴 Pure and Plain in flattie
让头发保持自然的黑色 To keep naturally black hair
那些心里有伤的人,都想有一个树洞 Those injured people want a hollow tree
学会过有节制的生活 Learn to lead a modest life
自己做一条棉布长裙 Make a cotton long skirt by yourself
去听一个喜欢多年的歌手的演唱会 Listen to a concert of the singer that you like all the time
不要擦粉了,只用BB霜和睫毛膏就好了 Do not put on face powder,only use BB cream and mascara
今天,暂时停止做某件你每天习惯做的事 Today,stop doing one thing that you used to do everyday
整理你的书架 Clear your bookshelf
去看一场体育比赛 Go to watch a sporting game
现在开始,进行一门小语种的长期学习 From now on, sticking to learn one language,but not English
去逛美术馆 Go to gallery
去隐居一段时间 To live in solitude for some days
好好准备,过一个暖暖的冬天 Well prepare to live though a warm winter
听着耳机,去散步 Listening the song and walking
抓抓他的后背 Pat his back
没钱也要一个人旅行 Go to travel even if there is not enough money
花很少钱的快乐——放风筝 Easy happiness—flying a kite
玩Lomo Play Lomo
记下那么一句让你眼眶发热的话 Write down one sentence that move yourself
留意69个小细节,把保护地球的责任给自己一份 Pay attention to 69 details,burden the responsibility to protect the earth
每个星期,拿一天吃简单一点,清清自己的肠子 Eat simple at least one day each week
每天认认真真泡个脚 Soak your feet every day
善待身体,身体也会回报你的 Well treat your body,the body will pay back for you
去网上下载一个记账的软件,开始记账的生活 To search an bookkeeping software from internet,start your bookkeeping life
从现在开始,改掉拖沓的毛病 From now on,please give up the habit of dilatory
别再睡懒觉,起来晨跑吧!Don't sleep lately,get up and go to run in the morning
不要等了,想到就做,制作你的梦想清单!Do not always wait, just do it as you think,make a list of your dreams
享受你的地铁时光 Enjoy the time in the subway
DIY一个相册小本本 DIY a photo album
走出去,晒太阳吧!Go out to bask in the sunshine
再简陋的小房间,放上绿植,马上就变了 No matter how simple the room is,it will be changed at once with green plant
焚香、听古琴 Burning incense,listenig Guqin
去教堂听《圣经》 Go to church to hear Bible
去楼顶吹风 Go for a blow in top floor
不去咖啡馆,在家煮咖啡Don't go to coffee cafe and make coffee at home
豆瓣不是菜,是一家Web2.0网站 DouBan is not food,it's a Web2.0 website
在阳台上种小蔬菜 Plant the vegetables in balcony
骑自行车上下班 Cycling to work
亲爱的,按摩 Dear,massage
给你最难忘的老师写信 Write a letter to your most forgottable teacher
读诗 Reading poems
带父母去旅游 Travel with parents
深入学习一项球类运动 Learn a ball game
平心静气学插花 Calmly arrange flowers
寻找实用的生活小窍门 Looking for pratical life tips
去看一个刚出生的小孩 Go to see a newborn baby
加入绿色和平组织吧!Take part in the Greenpeace
参加科学松鼠会吧!Take part in Scientific squirrel!
这一秒你身边发生了什么?上TWITTER吧!What happened in this second? On TWITTER
人生困惑问《庄子》 Perplexity of life to ask Zhuangzi
记录下你所经历过的最美的画面 Make notes on the most beautiful pictures what you experienced
土豆的22种吃法 22 ways of eating potato
值得花钱去做的事之潜水 Worth spending money to do things——diving
值得花钱去做的事之拥有一部单反相机 Worth spending money to do things——own a single-lens reflex camera
值得花钱去做的事之乘坐热气球 Worth spending money to do things——fly a hot air balloons
养一只狗狗,你真的准备好了吗?Are you ready to breed a dog
在家写毛笔字 Write brushes at home