一个人,感觉有点孤独。 人的孤独感往往都是伴随着空虚而致的。 一个人,有时候你有太多的事要做,可以做。 每天,一个人醒来,一个人起床,一个人晨练,一个人吃饭,一个人出门,一个人赶路,一个人坐公交,一个人思考,一个人想念…… 放假,一个人逛街,偶尔买束鲜花;一个人买一双帆布鞋,去旅游;一个人休息,听着轻松的音乐…… 这些都是一个人的事情,小事情。
售 价:¥
“美丽的巧合”——帆布鞋Canvas shoes,"beautiful coincidences"
一个人,一盏台灯A person, a lamp
一个人的冰箱贴A person’s fridge magnets
一个人坐飞机Take a plane alone
我需要一只猫来陪我I need a cat to accompany me
转角遇见流浪歌手Meet wandering singers at the corner
一个人的生日Lonely birthday
阴天,听忧郁的歌Listen blue songs on a cloudy day
给未来的自己寄一张明信片Send a postcard to future self
记下你的单身碎片Write down your single diary
坐下来,好好吃早餐Have a seat, and then enjoy breakfast
10块钱过一天10 Yuan a day
下雨天穿雨靴Rainy day, wearing rain boots
只遗憾,不埋怨No complaining, only regret
发低烧的幸福Happiness of having a low fever
一个人,听听他的歌Listen to his songs quietly
每天保持头发的清洁Keep your hair healthy and styled everyday
每天喝一杯新鲜榨取的胡萝卜汁Drink fresh carrot juice everyday
记忆训练:写下109个自己喜欢的东西Memory training, write 109 things down that you like
随身带手帕Carry a handkerchief
原来快乐很简单In fact happiness is very simple
我们并不是拥有太少的时间,而是拥有太多我们不用的时间We do not have so little time, but we have much useless time
享受寂寞Enjoy loneliness
在“将爱”的日子里,照顾好自己In "Future Love" days, take good care of yourself
装饰你的墙Wall ornament
小客栈之旅An inn trip
沉默的一天A silent day
如果今天是最后一天If today was the last day
亲近土地Close to the land
一个人看书之“关于爱,关于距离”A person reading book, “About Love and Distance”
一个人的精油灯A person's essence oil light
找到那么一个人,知道你全部的心事Find the person you can talk with all your worries
在家里举办睡衣派对Hosting a pajama party at home
再去泡一次大澡堂子Go to a large bathhouse again
相信一个叫“命运”的力量Believe the power of "destiny"
一个人生活,也要为地球尽一份心力One person also should contribute to the earth
把压力扔进垃圾筐The pressure is thrown into the trash
不买车,不买房,去流浪Do not buy cars and houses, go run the streets
办公桌上的“风水鱼”Geomantic fish on desk
大门口的钥匙碗Key bowl of the gate
一生一定要尝试一次的游轮之旅Do have a cruise in your life
废旧衣服做手工Making things from waste clothes
一个人,也要吃好A man also eats well
和朋友们排演一出戏Stage a play with friends
在收到银行对账单的三天内还掉信用卡After receiving the bank statements, repay money for the credit card within three days
扔掉时尚杂志,你就是没有任何束缚的“时尚”人Chuck fashion magazines, you are the “Fashion” people with no bondage
没有遗憾的一生Life with no regrets
花小钱,过大生活Spend little money, and have a good life
忍受一下辛苦,一切会变好的Endure hardship, everything will be fine
一个人的吉他A person's guitar
每个月买一件新的内衣Buy a new underwear every month
一个人的维他命药丸A person also needs vitamin pills
重读经典Re-read classic works
让每天待办的事项,只要用一张黄色便条纸就写完了Your to-do lists every day, can be written on a yellow post-it note
欢迎自己回家Welcome to home
清除电器的嘈杂声,好好招待你的耳朵In order to treat your ears well, remove noises of electrical equipment
腹式呼吸——终极的压力处理Abdominal Breathing, the ultimate pressure processing
被一只狗牵着,去走路Go walking by a dog
换一个自己喜欢的工作Change a job you love
珍惜和自己独处的时间Cherish time on your own
一个人的BlogA person's Blog
去剧场看话剧Go to watch a drama
一个人也要有钱One needs to control the money
再忙也要送给自己一个微笑Give a smile to yourself even you are busy
听古典音乐,给你的生活增添色彩Listen to classical music, and add color to your life
一个人的十字绣A person's cross-stitch
为了自己,也要瘦下来You must slim down for yourself
拍下这一天Take photos for this day
空闲才使大脑胡思乱想Leisure makes brain cranky
一部又一部地看那些大师的影片One after another to see those masters’ films
左手牙刷Brush my teeth by left hand
闹钟一响,就马上起床Once the alarm clock rings, you get up immediately
如果你要去香格里拉If you want to go to Shangri-La
一个人喝点Drink alone
去爱一个东西Learn to love a thing
一封家书A letter home
参加一次怀旧聚会Enjoy a retro party
今天买一张彩票,看看运气怎么样Today, buy a lottery ticket, any luck
一个人的9连拍A person's nine continuous shooting
无怨的青春——再读席慕容No regrets of youth, read Xi Murong’s poetry again
给妹妹的博客留言Leave a message in sister’s blog
学习现代舞Learning modern dance
把朋友送到站台Take my friend to the platform
一个人去乡下A man goes to the country
单身的人最喜欢的句子The most favorite sentences of a single man
改变你的晚睡强迫症Change your obsessive-compulsive disorder of sleeping late
学习日系图片PS Learn PS pictures of Japan
无事忙中老,心安即平安Have peace of mind, you will be very young