


Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life电子书

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作       者:Trump, Donald J.

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:35.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Donald J. Trump is an icon: the very definition of the American success story. The star of The Apprentice and developer of some of the planet's most prestigious real estate, he's been on the bottom and risen to become one of the world's wealthiest men. Bill Zanker started The Learning Annex with $5,000 and grew it into a $5 million a year company. That was before he met Donald Trump. Thirty months later, after Zanker learned to think BIG himself, The Learning Annex is generating over $100 million a year in sales and still growing. Together, they're living examples of how thinking BIG and knowing when to back up your opinions aggressively regardless of what your critics or opponents might say can help you maximize your personal and professional achievements. For the first time ever, you too can learn Trump's secrets to thinking BIG and kicking ass! Learn: Momentum: the Big Mo. How to get it and how to get it back. Revenge: how and when to get it (and why it's so sweet). "I love you, now sign this!" Why contracts in business and personal life are so important. Real-life stories from people who've applied the think BIG formula in their own lives. These strategies are proven and attested to by those who've learned to think BIG from Donald Trump and found success in their own lives. Bill Zanker used Donald's strategies to grow the revenues of The Learning Annex twenty times in under three years. Both of them have been down and out, and know what it's like to feel the whole world's against you and both have risen to dizzying heights of success by thinking BIG and kicking ass! It is an attitude that can be easily learned.

Dedication From Donald J. Trump




1: Do You Have What It Takes?

2: Passion, Passion, Passion!

3: Basic Instincts

4: Creating Luck

5: Fear Factor

6: Revenge

7: Big Mo!

8: Never Take Your Eye Off The Ball

9: I Love You, Sign This

10: Think Big And Kick Ass In Business And Life



The Learning Annex Recommended “Must Reads”

The Learning Annex Featured Teachers

Acknowledgments From Donald J. Trump

Acknowledgments From Bill Zanker

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About the Authors

Also By Donald J. Trump



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