


Economic Regulation and Its Reform电子书

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作       者:Nancy L. Rose

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:145.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The past thirty years have witnessed a transformation of government economic intervention in broad segments of industry throughout the world. Many industries historically subject to economic price and entry controls have been largely deregulated, including natural gas, trucking, airlines, and commercial banking. However, recent concerns about market power in restructured electricity markets, airline industry instability amid chronic financial stress, and the challenges created by the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed commercial banks to participate in investment banking, have led to calls for renewed market intervention.Economic Regulation and Its Reform collects research by a group of distinguished scholars who explore these and other issues surrounding government economic intervention. Determining the consequences of such intervention requires a careful assessment of the costs and benefits of imperfect regulation. Moreover, government interventions may take a variety of forms, from relatively nonintrusive performance-based regulations to more aggressive antitrust and competition policies and barriers to entry. This volume introduces the key issues surrounding economic regulation, provides an assessment of the economic effects of regulatory reforms over the past three decades, and examines how these insights bear on some of today's most significant concerns in regulatory policy.



Title Page

Series Page

National Bureau of Economic Research

Relation of the Directors to the Work and Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research



Learning from the Past: Insights for the Regulation of Economic Activity

1. Antitrust and Regulation

2. How Airline Markets Work . . . or Do They? Regulatory Reform in the Airline Industry

3. Cable Regulation in the Internet Era

4. Regulating Competition in Wholesale Electricity Supply

5. Incentive Regulation in Theory and Practice: Electricity Distribution and Transmission Networks

6. Telecommunications Regulation: Current Approaches with the End in Sight

7. Regulation of the Pharmaceutical-Biotechnology Industry

8. Regulation and Deregulation of the US Banking Industry: Causes, Consequences, and Implications for the Future

9. Retail Securities Regulation in the Aftermath of the Bubble



Author Index

Subject Index

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