


United States of Pie电子书

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作       者:Kane, Adrienne

出  版  社:Ecco


字       数:22.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 饮食/健康



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An utterly charming collection of regional heirloom American pies, from long-lost recipes to classic favorites, sweetly illustrated and chock-full of time-tested baking tips and secrets for perfect piesBefore cooking shows and celebrity chefs there were church dinners, community bake sales, and county fairs—events for which regular women made and served their prized family recipes, especially for that homiest and most American of desserts, pie. In the United States of Pie, Adrienne Kane invites readers on a journey back in time as she scours the country for—and shares—those recipes: the pies that have come to define culinary traditions from the West Coast to the East Coast, from the Midwest to the South. Sourced from old newspaper clippings, out-of-print cookbooks, housekeeping guides, and the spiral-bound, mimeographed booklets of church groups and community associations, the recipes in the United States of Pie showcase the innovative spirit of American home cooks in the era before processed foods and flavorless, imported produce took over grocery shelves. Here, tested and updated for contemporary palates and with an emphasis on local, seasonal fruit and dairy products, are both re-imagined classics and newly invented creations that celebrate sharing lovingly homemade desserts with friends and family. And whether you're serving up slices of Meyer Lemon Cream Pie, Concord Grape Pie, or Burnt Sugar Meringue Pie, your lucky guests will definitely ask for seconds.With helpful sidebars on baking tips and techniques ranging from the best thickeners for fruit pies to why home bakers should embrace corn syrup, a chapter dedicated to how to make the perfect pie crust, and charming, insightful essays on pie-making traditions around the country, the United States of Pie is more than just a cookbook; it's a must-have baking resource for novice and expert pie makers alike.


Title Page





Getting Started

How to Make the Perfect Dough

Crusts for Every Pie

Standard Pie Dough

Rich and Buttery Pie Dough

Leaf Lard Pie Dough

Sour Cream Pie Dough

Cornmeal Pie Dough

Whole Wheat Pie Dough

Graham Cracker Crust

Vanilla Wafer Crust

Gingersnap Crust

As American as Apple Pie

Pies of the Northeast

Concord Grape Pie

Dutch Apple Sack Pie

Crunchy Cranberry Pie

Cheddar-Crusted Apple Pie

Pumpkin Pie

Honey Pie

Bakewell Pie

Chipmunk Pie

Shoofly Pie

Maple-Walnut Pie

Homemade Mincemeat Pie

Maine Blueberry Pie

Pies of the South

German Chocolate Pecan Pie

Key Lime Pie

Southern Peach Pie

Green Tomato Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

Black Walnut Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie

Blackberry Jam Pie

Peanut Pie

Pecan Pie

Chess Pie

Quince-Apple Pie

Sweet Potato Meringue Pie

Tar Heel Pie

Banana Cream Pie

Pies of the Midwest

Sour Cherry Pie

Ohio Shaker Lemon Pie

Creamy Eggnog Pie

Poppy Seed Pie

Hoosier Cream Pie

Burnt Sugar Meringue Pie

Persimmon Pie

Lemon Pie-Cake

Rhubarb (Pie Plant) Pie

Browned Butter Butterscotch Meringue Pie

Chocolate Cream Pie

Pies of the West

Olallieberry Pie

Apricot-Ginger Pie

Raspberry Custard Pie with Streusel Topping

Breakfast Apple Pie

Date Pie

Black Bottom Pie

Citrus Chiffon Pie

Avocado Pie

Glazed Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Chocolate Raisin Pie

Pear Crumble Pie

Meyer Lemon Cream Pie




About the Author

Also by Adrienne Kane



About the Publisher

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