


Brand Strategy and Management for Law Firms电子书

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作       者:Sean Larkan

出  版  社:Ark Group


字       数:27.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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An effective brand strategy that is clearly understood and supported throughout your firm is crucial if you want to attract and retain profitable clients and sustain a talented workforce. Managing Partner’s Brand Strategy and Management for Law Firms report provides a comprehensive framework and guidelines for developing a brand strategy tailored to your firm. Packed with key concepts, practical tools, tips and advice this report will give you an understanding of brand and how it can be developed and strengthened as your firm’s most invaluable asset. Specifically, this report will help you to: Understand the key elements of personal brands, firm brand, and the employment brand – and how they relate to each other; Align your brand strategy with your overall firm strategy, vision and values; Realise the importance of brand names, icons or logos, design and aesthetics; · Understand the key brand considerations when using online channels – websites, blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; · Create a customised brand stress-test and make improvements to strengthen your firm’s brand accordingly and ensure its success; · Get partners and staff on board to support and grow your brand; and · Avoid brand mistakes and overcome the common challenges – including recommended steps for managing your brand before, during and following a merger. · Brand Strategy and Management for Law Firms features insightful case studies, examples and expert contributions from the likes of Norton Rose South Africa, DLA Phillips Fox, Lex Mundi, Lex Africa and more… They reveal practical tips, lessons learned and mistakes made that will prove invaluable in the development and management of your own brand strategy.





Executive summary

About the author



Chapter 1: Understanding brand – The fundamentals

Introduction and trends

Why brand is vital for law firm success

The role of design, creativity and innovation

Why brand is challenging

Who to involve in developing, maintaining and building brand

Three important types of brand for all law firms

Subsidiary brands

Why it is critical to develop a brand strategy

Chapter 2: The key elements of a brand strategy

The elements of a brand strategy

Brand vision

The charismatic brand

Brand offering™

Strategic key objectives


Avoiding a Brand Gap

Brand management, monitoring and discipline

Who should manage and lead the process?

Stress testing your brand strategy

Case study 1: DLA Piper and DLA Phillips Fox merger

Chapter 3: The brand offering

What is a brand offering?

The importance of the brand offering

What are the elements of the brand offering?

Why a one-page brand offering?

A framework for a typical brand offering: Bloggs and Jones Lawyers

Chapter 4: Brand fusion

What is brand fusion?

Achieving brand fusion

Unity and amplification is key

Issuing a brand compass or brandometer to partners and staff

Chapter 5: Where brand rubber hits the road – The role of design and aesthetics

Law firms can take real lessons from this approach

The challenge of left-brain thinking

Brand icons

Websites, packaging and the reading sequence

The written word

What’s in a name?

Taglines or mantras

The role of leaders

Chapter 6: Avoiding a brand gap and building strategy alignment

Strategy alignment

How can these gaps arise in practice?

Inherent challenges impacting alignment

Chapter 7: Stress testing brand strategy – A road map to strategic implementation

Why stress test strategy?

Challenge your strategy

Other recommendations

How to get there

A stress test checklist

Chapter 8: The employment brand

What do we mean by employment brand?

Challenges in developing your employment brand

The benefits of developing a separate employment brand

The importance of good people practice in your employment brand

Stress testing the firm’s brand strategy

The foundational elements of building a strong employment brand

Building engagement levels

Employment brand fusion

The critical role of trust

Good times sometimes create a false sense of security

Assessment and review of employment brands


Employment brands for partners

Employment brands and firm websites

Chapter 9: The firm brand

How do we develop the firm’s brand?

Addressing the fundamentals

Leadership involvement

The importance of USA (unify, simplify amplify)

SWOT test your brand

Identifying brand SKOs

Developing brand strategies – An action plan and timeline

Crafting the firm’s brand offering

Staff involvement

Where ‘brand rubber hits the road’

Chapter 10: Personal brands

Personal brands – Why bother?

Developing a personal brand strategy

A personal brand strategy framework

A personal brand offer

Personal skills and soft skills

A summary statement or value proposition

Personal brand key objectives

The importance of thought leadership skills

Building a personal profile

A personal plan

Chapter 11: Brand challenges

No formal brand strategy

Brand seen as comprising the firm’s name, logo and aesthetics

Brand management left solely to the marketing department

No brand discipline

Lack of brand fusion

No personal brand development

Variable recruitment and retention success rates for the firm

Brand strategy is developed then lapses

Chapter 12: Brand and strategic communication

Means of communication

Digital communications

Key factors law firms need to consider

The importance of online digital communication channels

Other digital media

Chapter 13: The brand implications flowing from law firm mergers

Challenges for a firm’s brand post-merger

Name usage

Recommended steps for a merger

Chapter 14: Brand discipline, management and brand champions


Brand champions

Brand compasses and brandometers

Staff meetings and functions

Chapter 15: Brand and law firm networks

Brand challenges for law firm networks and members

Particular strategies for law firm networks

Encouraging trust and pride

A brand vision – Towards a charismatic brand

Case study 2: Lex Africa

Case study 3: Lex Mundi


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