


Marketing (Collins Business Secrets)电子书

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作       者:Peter Spalton

出  版  社:HarperCollins Business


字       数:11.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The marketing secrets that experts and top professionals use. Get results fast with this quick, easy guide to the fundamentals of Marketing Includes how to: ? Position your product for a target market ? Build a brilliant marketing plan ? Create stunning branded marketing materials ? Use memorable publicity to build market interest ? Take advantage of new technology

Cover Page

Title Page

Table of Contents

Marketing covers all parts of your business

Marketing is a philosophy

1.1 Marketing is about customers

1.2 Marketing is definitely not selling

1.3 Adapt and adopt, learn and evolve

1.4 Customers need to be seduced

Identify markets

2.1 Find a gap in the market

2.2 Define your ideal customer

2.3 Understand how and why they buy

2.4 Look at who really makes the decisions

2.5 Know your strengths and weaknesses

2.6 Define your proposition and values

2.7 Research your competitors

2.8 Analyse market trends and forces

2.9 Estimate market size and potential

Create what people want

3.1 Identify features and benefits

3.2 Understand your competitive edge

3.3 Get the mix right to manage life cycles

3.4 Bundle and unbundle

3.5 Match perceived value and price

3.6 Use discounts and warranty wisely

3.7 Look at added-value and value-added

3.8 Create great packaging and design

3.9 Badge to reach new markets

Look where people buy

4.1 Think beyond bricks and mortar

4.2 Identify where your customers will go

4.3 Multiple channels will get you in

4.4 Use silent salesmen

4.5 Add affiliate schemes

Devise your promotional mix

5.1 "Shoot with a rifle, not a shotgun"

5.2 Grab their attention

5.3 Cover all bases

5.4 Design posters and advertising

5.5 Use the press and media

5.6 Create press releases and drip feeds

5.7 Connect to buyers at trade events

5.8 Network with movers and shakers

5.9 Use loyalty schemes

5.10 Always support your brand

Get on the Internet

6.1 Make yourself visible

6.2 Be a shop window

6.3 Write email newsletters

6.4 Build blogs and podcasts

6.5 Offer forums and portals

6.6 Use viral marketing

6.7 Set up third party schemes

6.8 Join networking sites

Make an achievable plan

7.1 Be clear about your ambition

7.2 Create a thorough long-term plan

7.3 Always know how well you are doing

7.4 Not all customers are equal

7.5 Don't be afraid to adjust your approach

Jargon buster

Further reading

About the Author


About the Publisher

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