


Building Serverless Architectures电子书

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作       者:Cagatay Gurturk

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:29.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build scalable, reliable, and cost-effective applications with a serverless architecture About This Book ? Design a real-world serverless application from scratch ? Learn about AWS Lambda function and how to use Lambda functions to glue other AWS Services ? Use the Java programming language and well-known design patterns. Although Java is used for the examples in this book, the concept is applicable across all languages ? Learn to migrate your JAX-RS application to AWS Lambda and API Gateway Who This Book Is For This book is for developers and software architects who are interested in designing on the back end. Since the book uses Java to teach concepts, knowledge of Java is required. What You Will Learn ? Learn to form microservices from bigger Softwares ? Orchestrate and scale microservices ? Design and set up the data flow between cloud services and custom business logic ? Get to grips with cloud provider’s APIs, limitations, and known issues ? Migrate existing Java applications to a serverless architecture ? Acquire deployment strategies ? Build a highly available and scalable data persistence layer ? Unravel cost optimization techniques In Detail Over the past years, all kind of companies from start-ups to giant enterprises started their move to public cloud providers in order to save their costs and reduce the operation effort needed to keep their shops open. Now it is even possible to craft a complex software system consisting of many independent micro-functions that will run only when they are needed without needing to maintain individual servers. The focus of this book is to design serverless architectures, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, along with decision factors to consider. You will learn how to design a serverless application, get to know that key points of services that serverless applications are based on, and known issues and solutions. The book addresses key challenges such as how to slice out the core functionality of the software to be distributed in different cloud services and cloud functions. It covers basic and advanced usage of these services, testing and securing the serverless software, automating deployment, and more. By the end of the book, you will be equipped with knowledge of new tools and techniques to keep up with this evolution in the IT industry. Style and approach The book takes a pragmatic approach, showing you all the examples you need to build efficient serverless applications.

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Building Serverless Architectures


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Getting Started with Serverless

Preparing the environment

Installing AWS CLI



Creating the project

Implementing the Lambda Dependency

Hello Lambda!

Deploying to the Cloud



Infrastructure as a Code

Uploading the artifacts to Cloud

Infrastructure as Code with CloudFormation

Deploying our first Lambda with CloudFormation


Hello Internet

Setting up API Gateway

Creating the API

Creating the resource

Creating the method

Configuring Lambda permissions

Deploying the API

Setting up the CloudFront CDN distribution

Setting up the custom domain

Creating an SSL certificate

Authenticating API calls

Implementing basic authorization


Applying Enterprise Patterns

Creating User Service

Configuring Guice

Writing the Lambda Handler class with injected dependency

Adding logging

Service dependencies


Persisting Data

Introduction to DynamoDB

Creating the first table

Creating the second table for access tokens

Configuring the DynamoDB data mapper

Configuring environment variables for Lambda

User registration

Creating user registration Lambda

Creating the Lambda and API Gateway for User Registration


Building Supporting Services

Writing the foundation of a Lambda function

Letting users upload to S3

Modifying the Lambda function to respond to an S3 event

Configuring CloudFront to serve resized images


Sending emails via SES

Configuring SES

Firing an SNS notification upon user registration

Consuming the SNS message and sending emails

Integrating a messaging queue


Searching Data

Creating the search domain

Uploading test data

Creating the suggester

Creating the API endpoint for suggestions

Lambda function for updating search data

Modifying the welcome mail sender Lambda

Creating the Lambda function to update CloudSearch

Creating and configuring the Lambda function with CloudFormation


Monitoring, Logging, and Security

Setting up a Route53 health check

Starting off with the setup

Configuring health checks for email notifications

Enabling SMS notifications for health checks

Bringing health check to healthy mode

Mastering CloudWatch alarms

Configuring advanced CloudWatch alarms

Wrapping everything up in CloudFormation

Creating CloudWatch metrics from application logs

Running Lambda functions in VPC

Creating a VPC

Adding private subnets

Handling inbound and outbound traffic

Creating a Security Group


Lambda Framework

Getting to know Lambda Framework


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