


But Why Vegan? Seeing Veganism from Beyond the Surface电子书

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作       者:JR MacGregor

出  版  社:CAC Publishing LLC


字       数:6.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 饮食/健康



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But Why Vegan?' is not a cookbook and it has no recipes. What it is is a deep dive into Veganism and how it not only?transforms your mind, body, and spirit, but did you know?it also positively impacts all of humanity, too? If you are thinking about making the transition to Veganism this book will push you over the edge. Becoming vegan makes you a trendsetter and that is a heavy burden to carry. Trendsetters are the ones that brave the tornado of dissent and yet change the world in their path. If this is you, then let's get moving.?Being vegan is a decision that you make for the long term. It's not a fad diet, and it's not a fleeting fancy because becoming vegan says that you are serious about being healthy and you are determined to go far in this world and that is why you are preparing your body for the long haul.Becoming vegan takes guts. You have to push against dissenters around you and a craving mindset within you. Being vegan is as much about the recipes as weight lifting is about the brand of barbells you use. No, being vegan is not about changing recipes, it's about changing minds. It's about blazing trails and heading out west because you know there is a better life awaiting you once the hardship of change subsides.?That's what this book is about. It tells you what the real deal is when it comes to considering veganism and goes two steps further in cleaning up your food source. It dives into Vegan Plus, where it's not just about the meat and dairy that you stop, it's also about the cessation of processed foods. In essence, it's about taking back your life. If you're ready to transform your mind, body, and spirit (while helping all of humanity) then scroll up and click the 'Buy Now' button to begin understanding what Veganism is all about!



Chapter 1 Judging the Book by Its Cover

First Misconception: Vegetarians are Vegans

Second Misconception: Vegans are Vegans because they don’t want to hurt animals.

Third Misconception: Vegans Don’t Get Sufficient Protein.

Chapter 2 The Human Energy Equation

Chapter 3 What’s the Alternative?

Vegetarian Diet

Paleo Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Low-Carb Diet

Eat as I Like Diet

Chapter 4 Nutrition Economics

Chapter 5 Grocery Store Demographics

Chapter 6 Environmental Concerns

Global Greenhouse Gasses

Water Consumption


Inefficient Use of Resources

Chapter 7 Defensive Eating

High Fructose and Corn Syrup

High Rewards with Greater Addiction Potential

Artificial Ingredients

Highly Refined Carbohydrates

Low Nutrient Content

Low Fiber Content

Lower Energy to Digest

High Trans Fat

Chapter 8 Philosophy of Life

First Premise

Second Premise

Chapter 9 Parting Overview


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