


Mastering iOS Game Development电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Miguel DeQuadros

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:95.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Master the advanced concepts of game development for iOS to build impressive games About This Book Create a complete game with advanced techniques through the course of the book using in-depth, hands-on instructions Learn how to multi-task and improve performance optimization in your game playing experience The author, Miguel, has 11 years of iOS game development using xcode and has released over 10 games to the Apple AppStoreMaster player movement using touch controls as well as discuss motion controls Who This Book Is For This book is for those who have created an iOS game already and want to hone their skills. A reasonable level of knowledge and an understanding of the core elements and applications would be helpful. What You Will Learn Blast off and start developing fun games Optimize the assets for the best performance in the game app Master player movement using touch controls as well as discuss motion controls Perform bug Squashing by testing and debugging Design interesting various characters and enemies for your game Test your game on both, the simulator on the computer and on real devices Tweak and fine tune the code and graphics before the release of your app Uncover some awesome new gameplay by adding in multiplayer elements, to get more people playing together In Detail iOS is an operating system for Apple manufactured phones and tablets. Mobile gaming is one of the fastest-growing industries, and compatibility with iOS is now becoming the norm for game developers. SpriteKit is part of the native SDK from Apple, and enables developers to make simple entry into game development without unnecessary overhead and a long learning process. SpriteKit also provides other functionality that is useful for games, including basic sound playback support and physics simulation. In addition, Xcode provides built-in support for SpriteKit so that you can create complex special effects and texture atlases directly in Xcode. This combination of framework and tools makes SpriteKit a good choice for games and other apps that require similar kinds of animation. Become a master in iOS game development through this fast and fun guide! In the beginning, we’ll tell you everything you need to plan and design your game. You’ll then start developing your game through step-by-step instructions using the various built-in technologies of Xcode. From there on, we discuss how to deploy your game to the iOS App Store, as well as monetizing it to make more revenue. You will also learn advanced techniques to improve your game playing experience, including better multi-tasking, improved performance optimization, battery management, and more. To end the book off, we’ll show you how to update your game with different features, then port the update to the App Store. Style and approach This book provides an easy-to-understand and fun approach to game development, with step-by-step instructions and detailed explanation of each block of code. The topics covered range from easy to advanced, so buckle up for a fast-paced ride!

Mastering iOS Game Development

Table of Contents

Mastering iOS Game Development


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1. What to Expect in Xcode and Game Development

Registering to be an iOS developer

Asset creation for your awesome game

Entering the game development market


2. Creating the Stuff

Let's talk assets


Sound effects

File type



Best software


File type

Best software

Creating optimized assets

Video conversion

Audio conversion

How to design your game

Game design document


3. Blast Off! Starting with Development

Creating a SpriteKit project in Xcode

Editing our code files

Level design and implementation

Gravity – player movement

Collision detection

Making our player dance!


4. Let's Keep Going! Adding More Functionality

Adding awesome sound effects

Character animations

Playing with particles


Particle texture

Particle birthrate

Particle life cycle

Particle position range


Particle speed

Particle acceleration

Particle scale

Particle rotation

Particle color

Particle blend mode

Creating menus and multiple levels

Creating enemies


5. Bug Squashing – Testing and Debugging

Testing our project

Setting up TestFlight users

What's a TestFlight user?

Internal testers

External testers

Using TestFlight as a beta tester



Opting out of testing

Squashing those bugs!


6. Making Our Game More Efficient

Managing effects

Battery management – doing less in the background


7. Deploying and Monetizing

Preparing to deploy

Tips for monetizing



Implementing Chartboost!


8. It's Too Dangerous to Go Alone, Take a Friend!

Multiplayer integration

Game Center integration

Pushing updates to the AppStore!

I didn't forget... I just missed it

You're done!



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