


Go It Alone!电子书

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作       者:Judson, Bruce

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:32.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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There is an epidemic of unhappiness in the American workplace. A full 70 percent of workers in the United States report that they are disengaged from their jobs. When asked, "Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?" only 20 percent of nearly 2 million employees said yes. It is no wonder that 56 percent of all Americans dream of starting their own business. So why don't they do soBecause starting one's own business is seen as difficult, expensive, and risky.In this extraordinary book, successful Go It Alone! entrepreneur Bruce Judson explains that the conventional wisdom about starting your own business is stunningly wrong. Using the leverage of technology -- e-mail, the World Wide Web, and the remarkable array of off-the-shelf business services now available -- it is dramatically easier to start your own business. Magnified by these new services, it is also possible to create, for the first time, a highly focused business.Bruce Judson shows you the practical steps that will allow nearly any individual to create a business, often using job skills that seem to require an entire corporation for support. It is no longer necessary to spend time on the tasks that don't add value. It is now possible to stay small but reap big profits. Go-it-alone businesses allow the individual the freedom to concentrate on their greatest skills. After reading this book, your motto will be "Do What You Do Best, Let Others Do the Rest."


Title Page



Introduction: Conventional Wisdom Is Just Plain Wrong

1: Overview: The New Go-It-Alone Business

2: Principles for Success

3: The Great Shift in What’s Possible

4: Do What you Do Best

5: How to Create your Business System

6: The Myths About Start-Ups

7: Why you Don’t Want to Be a Free Agent or a Franchisee

8: Managing Extreme Outsourcing

9: Lessons from Some Inventive Companies

10: Evaluating Your Proposed Business

11: When to Quit Your Day Job

12: The Race to Liquidity: Why Venture Capital Is Not for You

13: Mistakes Happen—Learn from Them

14: Suddenly, Just Me

Conclusion: Fear Is the Enemy

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